
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 22:43:08
求形容人的内心词语~记住是两个字的!两个字! 送他巧克力他吧盒子拿走了把巧克力留下了是什么意思 英语翻译We are writing in reference to order 245481445 to inform you that the account holder for the payment method used has disputed the transaction through their issuing bank.Furthermore,the issuing bank has revoked payment for this order pendi 哪位好心人给翻译下啊,急!Killer whale book review I recently read a book, the name is "killer whale." Animals and people, with feelings and emotions, the feelings of people in almost all animals found; human animals can also be inspire My Favorite Music作文60字以内,女生的!最好是50-60字的, 作文my favorite subject (是音乐哦!) 还眷着你什么意思 "眷抄"什么意思 证眷ST什么意思 眷恋的眷意思是什么 想了解一些偏旁的读音如果谁知道的话,比如阝fù刂:li这个是不是就是以前的中国汉字的“偏旁拼法”?(那个有点像日文的)还是说与日文的片假名的发音有关呢?(这个就是从中国汉字 My favorite subject is English 改为同义句 打错了字,写出来 My favorite subject is P.E.(同义句转换) My favorite subject is math同义句改为 I _____ math _______ 关于主动被动时态和虚拟时态的问题写出被动主动时态和虚拟语气,并举出例子,加点基础也行不好写的话介绍些好的资料书来也行,网上的书也可以! 第二段中丑小鸭为什么拼死也要飞向这些高贵的鸟儿七年级下册的安徒生的 丑小鸭 里的。语文学海风暴 英语的主动句改为被动句,八种时态各一句再加一句情态动词的 什么力量使丑小鸭接近高贵的鸟儿 小学现代诗 小学现代诗作业 My favorite subject is english 改为同义句 I like English _____ than ____other subject My favorite subject is English.改为同义句I like English ______than________other subject.同义句转换.很多人会填better,any.但我觉得填better不通顺.可不可以填best the求详细回答 My favorite subjects is Eglish(同义句) I like English ___ than ____ other subject. 多少米增加1/5是5米( )米增加1/5是5米注意是1/5是分率 不是实数 5米增加1/5米是( )米;( )米增加1/5是5米, 3/5米增加1/5米是( )米 求几道关于上海初二的英语题目,要和数量有关.只有今天要,一定是要和 little a little few a few much many enough too 这些有关的,其它的都不要, 买上海二年级英语书哪里有买谢谢! 我国季风形成的主要原因?A、海路兼备的地理位置 B南北纬度跨度大 C、东西经度跨度大 D、地形多种多样 改错1pe is my favourite subject.2I like listening yo music,my mother bought a nice cd for me.3 monday is the first day of the week.4 their are many people in the market.5 who is bag is this? I like listening _____ music.用适当的介词填空