
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 05:03:25
为什么比同龄孩子要成熟,14岁我总觉得,似乎自己什么都是比同龄的人先一步的.对一切事物的认识和感知.感觉就像自己比他们早一步经历了,看见他们,就像看见以前的自己,我对很多同学说话 英文是EN,中文是什么的? “愿你记得我”用英语怎么说阿! 只有你记得我用英语怎么说 帮写英语一段话用5句话描述老虎用英语翻译一下中文意思 accounting用英文回答哦what is an accounting period and how is it linked to the accounting cycle accounting用英文回答how would you go about explaining to a new business owner that Goods and Service Tax Act 1985(GST)does not affect the operating cost of his business? 呵呵 用英语谈谈你的幸福观 五句话 谈谈你对中西方道德观和幸福观的看法. 谈谈希腊化时期的幸福观,涉及到一些哲学家的观点,谢谢···· ENG是什么天然气的英文缩写? ____lovely weather we have been having these days!a.howb.whatc.what a我觉得是how lovely,错了吗,为什么? ()terrible weather we've been having these days!A How aB What aC How D What 英语翻译Explain the basic differences between a sole trader (or single propritorship),a partnership and a company.What factors need to be considered in selecting an appropriate structure for Darren's lawnmowing business? 英语翻译What is the definition of drawing in accounting?Which side does it go(credit or debit?) I just brwse a website where they said drawing included salaries and dividends,but I still got a salaries column on the balance sheet.Then what must I 英语翻译Accounting Measurement1.Explain the importance of business transactions,money measure,and separate entity.2.To make an accounting measurement,the accountant must answer four basic questions:What is measured?When should the measurement be The weather (change) every day 有讲解的 ! 拜托 This week ,the weather ____ to change every day :One day is hot ,the next day is cold .A.seems B.looks为什么选A不选B,请详解, This week,the weather----- to change every day:One is hot,the next is cold.A.seems B.looks C.sound D.feels 哪一个选项正确?为什么?可是参考答案是 D.feels 英语翻译Wood (90mm x 10mm) for Perry's legs,bill and tail - a length of 250mm should be heaps 一道英语阅读题,已写,求学霸鉴定>_ 数字“6.5”用英语怎么念? 哪家翻译公司的证件翻译翻译的好? the city ____ (change) these days. what is the weather like these days? 会计题一道.关于accounting equationidentity the correct effet on the basic accounting equation when a business provides service on credit .答案是increase equity and increase asset.为什么? 英语翻译Raw materials costing £4 per unit are all purchased on credit in the month of production.One quarter of the cost is paid upon purchase with the balance being paid 2 months later. 初中英语阅读 求答案 英语翻译你是我们家族中最最最优秀的人才,最最最亲的亲人.快点带领我们发财哇,我们需要你.请翻译,地道点啦, Look!Mr.Li is in the library.It____ be him .He has gone to Tanzhou.A.mustn't B.can't C.shouldn't D.won't选什么为什么? 怎么才能自学英语?要准备些什么我初中毕业就没读了.英语只会一些简单的单词.现在想学英语.我现在有很多时间可以花在学英语上.请问有什么怎么自学?要买哪些材料.