
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 06:00:17
Washington D.C. 德语中 vor 和 seit的去区别1- Wann ist er nach Deutschland gekommen?- Ich glaube _________ einem Jahr.2.Herr Muller arbeitet _______ 10 Monaten in Beijing.请尽可能详细告知二者区别. 德语 vor neun MonatenEs ist der erste Besuch eines westlichen Außenministers in Bagdad nach der Parlamentswahl vor neun Monaten.请问这里他是巴格达议会选举后第一个来访的西方政要.vor neun Monaten是什么意思?Bundesau& How fast can I grow up to see what is love?Wait for my dear prince to show up.Some said loving with heart could teach you a lot.Please tell me is it true or not? how to grow up? BABY DON'T GO DON'T GO HOW CAN I WAKE UP TOMORROW IFEEL SO SAD I CAN'T TRUST LOVE ANYMORE BABY DON'T GO DON'T GO OUR LOVE WILL BE HARD TO FOLLOW IT BREAKS MY HEART IF YOU DON'T LOVE ME NO MORE Washington DC中的DC在这里是什么意思? Washington, Washington DC 还是 Washington,DC 还是?请告诉我其中逗号句号的标准用法! Unconsciously when I felt boring I was wasting my time,and then I was wasting my life alike.请翻译成汉语 我叫李雪梅,处女座 ,女,帮忙取个英文名字! 我叫雪梅,性格比较内向,想找一个适合自己英文名. 阳雪梅的英文名怎么写 我叫陈雪梅 大家帮忙取个英文名呗 谢谢啦 Nether of the people who had applied for a position in the university_______.A.was accepted B.has been accepted可是为什么不能选B呢?&具体原因plz!为什么“前面是had applied 过去时 所以后面要用was accepted “had applied是 Neither of the yong men who had applied for a position in the university was accepted.求翻译 At the (a——)of twenty,the young man went to beijing University . We won't need __________(move)away from the sofa in our sitting room.用所给词的适当形势填空 Don’t wake me up up up up up up Don’t wake me up up up up up up Don’t wake me up up up up up up Don't ____(wake) me up until breakfast. 问几句中文换成英文,谁会?我们一起去野餐吧!怎么去车站呢?可以先去车站,坐108路汽车去湖心公园.那可不可以直接做自行车去呢?那我们明天上午10:可我们要带什么东西呢?我带锅,勺子,筷子, 抒情是什么意思?近义词 借物抒情是什么意思 【送分题】the plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport all morning.l有两个现在进行时的特例把我搞糊涂了1、新概念2第七课的the plane was late and detectives (were waiting )at the airport all morning这 the plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport all moring这句话为什么用过去进行时 i'm finished it i have finished it的区别是什么 When the plane arrived,some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while .后面用个some detectives可以不?后面用while什么意思? --Just a moment,I have not finished packing my suitcase.--____.It is high time we left for theairport.A Go ahead B Take it easy C hurry up怎么回事?high 在给自己取英文名的时候有没有必要让英文命首字母和中文名字拼音首字母相同?比如我,中文名是Jiping,这是名字,没有姓,那么我起英文名字的时候需不需要以J开头?据说这样是为了在国外需要 我叫方思敏,谁帮我起个英文名?要跟名字一样的.不要用拼音.我讲方思敏,女生.谁帮我起个英文名?要跟名字一样的.不要用拼音. i just finished ___ my homework.a dob to doc doing d does Kangkang was taking some photos while we were playing together.这句对吗?