
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 02:21:04
线性代数-行列式求值.急用.希望懂的朋友帮忙解决下,需要有计算过程.(1) (2) (3)2 1 4 1 5 0 4 2 1 2 0 04 1 2 3 1 -1 2 1 3 4 0 03 4 1 2 4 1 2 0 0 0 -1 32 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 5 1(4) (5) (6)3 -5 2 1 3 1 -1 2 有300米长的篱笆材料,如果利用已有的一面墙(设长度够用)作为一边,围成一块矩形菜地,问矩形的长、宽各为多少时,这块菜地的面积最大? 线性代数行列式求值问题形如这样的行列式求值有没有简单的方法.1 2 3 41 3 0 02 0 4 03 0 0 5就是一个行列式中包含一个仅主对角线上有元素的行列式. 有300m长的篱笆材料,如果利用已有的一面墙(设长够用)作一边,围成一块矩形菜地,设垂直于墙的边长为xm,矩形菜地的面积是为ym^2,则y与x之间的函数关系式为Ay=-x^2+300x(0 矩阵相乘怎么算 卡塔尔世界杯,卡塔尔能出线吗? 卡塔尔在哪里 线性代数,行列式求值.1、 求4阶行列式,或是n阶行列式.例1:求的值.尽量给解题步骤,实在不行,给个标准答案也是极好的,不过,一定要确定是对的哦! 英译汉,专业一点的,急the aim is to resolve a crisis in which the United States and North Korea's neighbors are demanding that the North dismantle its nuclear-weapons programs, which it has admitted to having in violation of nonproliferation a 英译汉,请准确详细一点would it be possible to add this amount to a future order as it will cost GBP20 to organize GBP22 into your account which seems silly.Please advise. Electronic Declaration ( ED) refers to the way in which the consignor and consignee of export and import goods or the agent declaration enterprises transmit to the customs the electronic data of customs declaration and the relevant attached document 高中物理题,谁会做啊? 人教版七年级上册英语期末复习提纲 2013至2014人教版七年级上册英语期末复习提纲重点难点 谁会这道数学题,高中?步骤? 问一道数学题,王大伯用1面墙和篱笆围城一块长方形菜地,以知篱笆长140米,如问一道数学题,王大伯用1面墙和篱笆围城一块长方形菜地,以知篱笆长140米,如果菜地长宽分别为3比2,2比1,这块菜地 英译汉 一个句子The metropolitan strategy takes the existing distribution of population and supporting facilities as given. 英译汉的一个句子.英→汉可不可以翻译成中文:告诉她不要把这个MP5借给别人玩英文:Tell she not to give it to others to play.有的人说 可以,有的人说不可以。真郁闷,还是去问老师吧 英译汉一个句子Two ninths is enough for the work.什么意思,急!拜托大家了!前面是九分之二,后面呢??? 九分之二什么呢? 求一个英译汉个句子They peisisted in carrying out the project the fact that it had proved unworkable at the very begining. 英译汉,1句A had come bursting into the room,closely followed by B,with C bringing up the rear.翻译上面这句话,顺便告诉我这里的bring是什么意思 如果三角形的两条边的长分别是12厘米和9厘米,那么第三条边的长可能是多少厘米?(第三条边是整厘米)急··· 把下列句子改成否定句,一般疑问句,并作肯定和否定回答1:You are a postman 2:Tom's coat broen 3:Miss Zhang is in the classroom 4:This is a blue hat 5:That is your bicycle 6:Their pants are old 7:You are workers 8:We are in the pa 2011~2012太原市八年级第一次测评答案 下面2句改否定句和一般疑问句,怎么改,1.Ben,listen to the teacher,please.2.Please sit under the umbrella,Grandma.是将陈述句改成一般疑问句和否定句。 1.用绳子拴住一把锁并悬挂起来,把锁拉近自己的鼻子静止,松手后,锁将向前摆去,接着又反向摆回来,你原地不动,所会打到你的鼻子么.为什么?(重点在怎么回答为什么) 要把下列句子改成疑问句及否定句!1.They all speak Chinese.____________________________________________________________2.We need their help.____________________________________________________________ 懂英文懂数学进来. 懂英文会数学的进 懂英文和数学的进if the integer n odd,2n is divisible by twice as many positive integer as n. 懂英文会数学的进啊这题没怎么搞懂 可以教教我吗但为什么dv/dt就一定是体积的导数呢 如果一个三角形有两条边分别长7厘米和10厘米,那第三条边最短是多少厘米?最长是多少厘米?