
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 06:09:28
商店运来960条毛巾,花毛巾的条数比白毛巾的3被多40条.商店运来花毛巾,白毛巾各多少条?方程 144元买毛巾和枕头正好用完,枕头24元,毛巾6元,毛巾枕头各买了多少?小学四年级的题不要方程式 关于My home town 的作文 关于my home town北京的英文作文 五分之一千克相当于四分之一千克的几分之几 It was hot yesterday.So we went to _____________(swim in the sea).给括号里的词填上适当的形式 it was sunny and hot in the morning we went to a (n ) beach括号里填什么单词 Yesterday was Saturday.It was sunny.I went to the Zhongshan Park with myparents in the morning.we took some pictures.i played foodball game on zhe play ground with my father.I played tje game.I ____ so happy.At noon we ate good food on the lawn.Then spell the world ' ruler' please.回答 Spell an “orange”,please?哪里错了?the pen and the ruler is blue.哪里错了? Spell()"ruler"'please括号里怎么写 找错误 1.This‘s a blue ruler.2.Spell an “orange”,please.3.The pen and the ruler is blue. 旅游英文幻灯片旅游地点的幻灯片,英文的,不要太复杂. 实验小学买了4副乒乓球拍和50个乒乓球,付出200元,找回5.5元,每副拍几元,每个球几元?(举例) 英语翻译每个人都有自己的梦想,我也一样.但是我的梦想不是律师,不是医生,不是演员,甚至不是一种行业!我的梦想也许大人们会觉得可笑,但是,这是我一直追寻的!我的梦想是想要自己有一个 《My Dream as a...》初二英语作文 以My beautiful dream 为题写一篇初二英语短文 my dream job 初二英语作文 不少于8个句子 简短点的句文中要有:paris sounds like a city that l could enjoya part-time jobtravel all over the world 请问,这是你的钢笔吗?的这是怎么翻译?初一3单元的.Please ____ ,is this your pen? Please t______ this baseball to your brother. It was sunny the day before yesterday翻译 It was sunny the day before yesterday.(用cloudy改选择疑问句) Was it sunny ____ _____ the day bIt was sunny the day before yesterday.(用cloudy改选择疑问句)Was it sunny ____ _____ the day before yesterday? It was (Thursday ) the day before yesterday.( )内提问()里面提问 小东买一个书包,恰逢商场打七折销售,便宜了31.5元.这个书包原价多少元?不要用方程 算式 1.小明买一个书包,恰逢商城打七折,便宜了31.15元,这个书包原价多少钱?2.一种衣服原来每件80元,现在打九折出售,原来售价多少元?3.家具商店将一种原价320元的床垫,以八折出售.现在每张床垫降 一个书包原价40元,现按七折出售,价格是多少元 有一道数学题,说一个班,定数学、语文、英语的人数分别占总人数的60% 80% 75%,问三科都定的人数为百分之多少? 甲种纸巾20包9.8元,乙种纸巾"买20赠5”,售价是15.5元,哪种纸巾更便宜?每小包便宜多少钱? 五年级数学 超市里一种纸20包9.6元另一种买20赠10为15.9元那种纸巾便宜?每小包便宜多少钱? 一种餐巾纸20包9.6元,另一种餐巾纸买20包赠10包,价值15.90元,哪种餐巾纸便宜? 6又3分之2是多少 急求1000字有关母爱的作文,1000字