
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 00:13:07
计算下面的数学题3头牛8只羊一天共吃93千克饲料,5头牛15只羊一天共吃165千克饲料,问一头牛和一只羊一天各吃多少饲料? 请帮忙计算出下面的奥数题!1/2/(1+1/2)+1/3/(1+1/2)(1+1/3)+1/4/(1+1/2)(1+1/3)(1+1/4)+……+1/2008/(1+1/2)(1+1/3)……(1+1/2008)请计算出答案,并写出过程. 下列计算中正确的是 A.(x+2)²=x²+2x+4B.(-3-x)(3+x)=9-x²C.(-3+x)(3-x)= -x²-9+6xD.(2x-y)²=4x²-2xy+y²并简要说下理由.就是正确的那个 根据下列图形计算!求水泥管的体积.(单位分米)(附图)(上图)如图,BO=2DO,AO=2OC,阴影部分面积是8平方厘米,求梯形ABCD的面积.(附图)(下图) 计算下列几道数学题.. 1.张大爷在菜市场买了6.5千克的豆角,付出20元,找回1.15元,每千克豆角多少元?2.一块长方形玻璃,长为3.5米,宽为2.7米.已知每平方米的价钱是7.2元,买这块玻璃付出70元,应找回多少元?3.甲乙两地相 请解释一下下面这道数学题!一批零件,A单独做12小时完成,B每小时做60个.现在AB两个人合作,完成任务时,AB两人生产的比为3:2.做了多个呢 小王步行去县城,每小时行走6.5千米,出发后2小时,小李骑自行车去县城,每小时行19.5千米,几小时可以追上小王?(用方程解答) 梨和苹果共88个,梨0.5元一个,苹果0.7元一个.买梨的1/3和苹果的1/4需要15元,如果买下全部梨和苹果需要多少元?就是这道题,把我脑袋都快想昏了,(注意:写出算式,还要解题的说明) 一个分数,分子分母之和是75,如果分子增加5,约分后得4分之一,求原分数 数学题 计算已知x²-4X+Y²-10Y+29=0 求 x³Y²+4x³y²+4x4次方y² x-1=根号三 求代数式(x+1)²-4(x+1)+44-12(x-y)+9(x-y)²(x+y)²-2x-2y+1-a+2a²-a³ 8x+10y=9445(x+y)=530请写出详细的解题步骤和公式依据答案是y=48 计算 开=()× 4 心=()________ 暑=()假暑心开 假=()超市里同样规格的杯子有3种 我原以为你能算出那道数学题目的.________ ________ ___ ____ work out that Maths problem. (1)甲乙二人合搬一批货,甲搬了4分钟,就休息1小时.1小时后,甲乙共用3分钟搬完了这批货.第二天又来同样一批货,只有乙一人搬,几分钟才能搬完?(2)一条鲨鱼,头长3米,身长等於头长加尾长, ​ 有什么方法计算会快一点算出? 英语翻译1)40%of the students in a school are boys.lf there are 240boys,how many students are there in the school?2)A boy has finished reading 160 pages of a story book and he finds that there is 20% of the book left.How many pages are there in th 急问三道数学题 1、乙数除以甲数的商是0.375,甲数与乙数的比是( )2、甲、乙两人存款若干元,甲存款是乙存款的3倍,如果甲取出240元,乙取出40元,那么甲,乙存款正好相等,甲,乙两人原来各自 求一道SAT数学题One-fifth of the cars in a parking lot are blue and half of the blue cars are convertibles.If 1/4 of the convertibles in the parking lot are blue,than what percent of the cars in the lot are neither blue nor convertibles.我么 sat一道数学题 SAT数学题一道A hiking trail is 19 miles long.There is a market at the start of the trail and a marker every 2.5 miles.There is a rest area at the start of the trail and a rest area every 6 miles.What is the radio of the number of markets to the 一道sat数学题不是说 x+9-2x=180吗 有OG第二版的亲们看下第六套第四部分第17题那个几何, If each term of the sequence (a1,a2,.,an) is either 7 or 77,and the sum of the sequence is 350.Which of following could be the value of A 45 B 42 C 40 D 39 E 36 1.几个小立方体黏在一起成一个大立方体6个面被涂成红色,if exactly 27 of small cubic blocks that make up the large cube have no paint on them ,how many cubic blocks make up the large cube?125} 2.in a sequence of nmbers,the first n 一道SAT数学题,要说出题目的意思和答案详解the first of a sequence of numbers is 1.If each term after the first product of -2 and the preceding term,what is the sixth term of the sequence第一题答案是-32 是对的,这里还有 if 3 more than x is 2 less than 9 ,what is the value of x if 4 bags of flour with an average (arithmetic mean)weight of 15pounds are put onto a shelf with 45-pound bags of flour ,what is the average weight ,in pounds of all 8 bags on the shelf a cert 2010年一月sat数学题有两道数学题我觉的自己不是很清楚,一个好像是讲织毛衣的,有几个knot,还有几个其他什么的,另一个是一个五边形要算什么的有哪位还记得题目的可以讲讲吗有人定了一月 sat 2009年1月 section2数学第18题http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/189525982.html?an=0&si=1# 数学题一道,SAT的数学题SAT09年1月真题section2 的8题.排球比赛,有4队参加,每队与其它3队中任意两队打比赛.在这次的排球比赛中,一共要打多少场比赛?为什么? sat数学题一道at a certain high school there are 9 students on the math team and10 students on the acdemic team. there are total of 11 students who are on the exactly one of the teams . of those students who are on the math team, hoe many also on