
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 01:28:51
英翻中一句1.He shut the window with such force that the glass broke. 500公顷=【 】平方千米?求助 现在正是炎炎暑期,请留心观察夏日的“风”是怎样的?再把你感受到的风写下来. 兄弟俩比年龄,哥哥说:“当我是你今年岁数的那一年,你刚5岁.”弟弟说:“当我长到你今年的岁数是,你就17岁了.”兄弟俩今年各多少岁? 英翻中,急一句~I can only express my surprise that two of your most senior personnel do not appear to be aware of the strategic agreement that we have in place. 如图5所示,设点O是等边三角形ABC内一点,已知角AOB=115°,角BOC=125°,求以线段OA、OB、OC为边所构成的三角形的各内角的度数. 已知点O是△ABC内一点,∠AOB=150°,∠BOC=90°,设向量OA=a,向量OB=b,向量OC=c,且lal=2,lbl=1,lcl=3,试用a,b表示c要有个具体的解题过程哦~已知点O是△ABC内一点,∠AOB=150°,∠BOC=90°,设向量OA=a,向量OB=b,向量OC 一个人从A点出发.沿北偏东60°方向走了一百米到达B点,又从B点出发沿南向偏西15°方向走了200米到达C点,则∠ABC等于(__)A.45° B.75° C.105° D.135°必须正确 在△ABC中,∠ABC=45°,AD是∠BAC的角平分线,EF垂直平分AD,交BC的延长线于F,试求∠CAF的大小. 设o是正三角形ABC内的一点,已知角AOB=80度,角BOC=135度,求以线段OA、OB、OC为边构成的三角形的各角. 爱好这个单词用英语怎么说? 周末你喜欢上网吗英文翻译8个词 Some people think that you are selfish at times.中some在句子中的成分是什么? It might be surprising for some people to believe that,in today's computer-and-Internet-driven soci they think dogs might -----(bite) them所给词的适当形式填空 some of the dogs may a____ people when they are angry 杨利伟用三句话概括了他21小时的太空旅行:“飞船飞行正常.我自我感觉良好.我为祖国骄傲.”改成陈述句 航天员杨利伟在着陆场即将登机返回北京的时候,用三句话概括了他21小时的太空旅行:“飞船飞行正常.我自我感觉良好.我为祖国骄傲.“如果你是采访的小计记者,你会怎样夸杨利伟呢? 杨利伟在着陆场即将登记返回北京的时候,用了哪三句话概括了他21小时的太空旅行? 航天员杨利伟在着陆即将等级返回北京的时候,用三句话概括了他21小时的太空旅行.有什么感慨要说?你有什么感慨要对杨利伟说呢?【注意:不要太长!】 在杨利伟之后又有3个谁飞上了太空 Some people think a pot-bellied pig ____ (成为) the best friend. Some people say that education is the best( )for children.A. investigationB. organizationC. investmentD. origin Some people bring out the best in you might never have fully realized on your own.My mom was one ofthose people some people think parents are best techers,do you agree?please give me your supporting details Some even give prize to people__ the best laughter 魔方加自行车自行车加魔方 魔方颜色什么意思 自行车加电瓶车等于? 翻译:some people think that success is only for those with talent or those who grow up in the rightfamily,and others believe that success mostly comes down to luck. 谁有外研社高中英语必修1的mp3文件?帮下! 解数学题一元一次应用:某人骑自行车比步行每小时快8千米,坐汽车比骑自行车每小时快16千米,此人从A地先步行4千米,然后乘车10千米就到达B地.他又骑自行车从B地返回A地,结果往返所用的时