
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 05:59:50
Computer controseemed___(possible) a hundred years ago if you love______ ,you can become a model.a dress up b.dressing c.dressing up d.to dress if you love _______,you may become a model.A.dress up B.dressing C.dressing up D.to dress up如果能带理由就更好了 there was a school party in the hall last night.用tomorrow night改写句子 Is there a sparts hall in the school? there__(be)a party in the hall tonight. 问Who is Ampere?答 It was more than one hundred years ago a great French scientist这句语法有错误吗more than one hundred ago 是时间状语还是定语呀?who was ampere? 翻一句话More than one hundred years later,the Games got back to their home----Athens in 2004. 求三篇优美的议论文语言要优美,字数在600字左右,最好是议论文 高中议论文怎么才能写好写漂亮了?现在高考作文一般以议论文为主,我北京高三学生.对于议论文这种题材接触很少,所以不知道怎么去写,如何去写,写什么.他们都说议论文很好写,好像还有最 写议论文的时候可以用比较优美的形式么比如写到一个论点 我比较喜欢用纳兰诸葛亮哪种比较偏的人物 然后写的就像感动中国里面的颁奖词一样……反正就是歌颂他们……然后写两三个 我 怎么提高自己的学识修养 you can't take the boy to the zoo .改为祈使句 我比较喜欢写议论文,但是考试中50分只能拿45分,而那些擅长写记叙文的都能拿到48分,我该怎么写才能多拿这3分呢? really i belivea your my good sister 该怎样回答 is your sister good you?A to B for C at D with 欧文英语的价格怎么样? 谁了解欧文英语怎么样?谢谢拜托了各位 谢谢 欧文英语 和美孚英语那家好? 小弟学识浅薄不要见笑 我想了解他们的意思 请求各位给点意见 要不然看不懂 小弟学识浅薄不要见笑 我想了解他们的意思 请求各位给点意见 要不然看不懂 谢谢投姿公司说什么在什么工商 能忍百炼方出山,守得云开见月明.谁可以解释哈什么意思.兄弟我学识潜 小弟不才,学识浅薄,完美的释义下列词句的意思“饮酒之人,有三种,其善饮者不待劝,其绝饮者不能劝.惟有一种能饮而故不饮者宜用劝,然能饮而故不饮,彼先已自欺矣,吾亦何为劝之哉.故恩谓不 求分析句子语法,Neither he nor she thought it was a good idea.Neither he nor she thought it was a good idea.这里面为什么要用was?一般形式is不行吗? It was too noisy outside.She couldn't _________(入睡)at all. how do you know she was disappointed at the news 涵盖了哪些语法.was disappointed 修饰 she 是做什么用法? what table can tell you what to do?怎么翻译 I find it asnonishing that she( )treat you lI find it asnonishing that she( )treat you like this in public.A.should B.must C.may D.would求解析! I believe that you would find she in the future. 议论文怎样写才能写得有一定的深度? 以差别为题作文,议论文,800字左右,有思想深度急用! 求几个有深度、有内涵的句子,最好标明出处.(适合写议论文的,越多越好.) 我写了篇关于职责议论文,求帮忙起一个有深度的题目