
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 20:03:59
What's the meanIf a teacher really shows the student the ability of how to use knowledge,they will get more by themselves中文意思 what's the mean这样对吗? yeah!you rock!什么意思?请教~ 求一首DJ 歌名.,一开始就是,YEAH! where are you , listen ,do it with me没几句词的,基本就是那几句的重复,然后有的地方有only you How are you?A,l'm jim B,Hello C,Fine,thank,you 佳音英语 A班谁有佳音英语A班的A B 要4到最后一册的 hello,how are you,fine thank you,and you 佳音英语有成人班吗? Li-Li:Hello,Bo-Bo!Bo-Bo:Hello,Li-Li!Li-Li:How are you?Bo-Bo:I'm fine,thank you.And you?求汉语意Li-Li:Very well,thanks.How many people are there in your family,Bo-Bo?Bo-Bo:There are three:Father,Mother and I.Li-Li:What is your father?Bo-Bo:He is a 一幅画英文怎么翻译 Look!It is________outside now.A.rain B.raining C,rains 我名字叫杨阳,帮我取个英文名 最后不要超过8位数 全部分数都给你 我叫杨阳麻烦大家给我取个英文名我身边很多的朋友都有英文名!所以我也想拥有一个! 杨阳的英文名怎么写本人1990年五月初一出生 帮我取个男英文名 我中文名 叫杨阳 问:How are you?答:A:Fine,thanks!B:Fine,thank!C:Fine,thank you! how are you Fine ( )A.Thanks B.Thank you.一道很奇怪的题目~ 墙上有一幅画的英语怎么拼 军谜请回答:关于军旗如果战争的时候,一个军队的军旗让人缴获了,那这个军会怎么样?是解散、还是重新用别的旗? 请大家告诉我陈军的英文名字谢谢 叫什么 有什么含义 给我 谢谢 我叫高莹谁能帮我起一个有个性的英文名呢? 我叫刘梦瑶.帮我取一个独特个性的英文名.寓意最好要单纯,天真,受人爱.好喊的. 我叫徐好好帮我取个独特点个性点的英文名! 别人问:how are you?我能回答:I'm fine thank you!最好怎么回答啊? 把一点不马虎改成一个成语 一点都不马虎对应的成语是什么一定要是成语! 辩论赛流程和规则 一点都不马虎(换作一个成语) 求由三方的辩论赛的流程和具体规则?50分钟的时间如何分配合适? 那个辩论赛的流程有没有规定几个评委上去讲 一对一辩论赛的规则和流程是咋样的, Do you remember when you were seven And the only thing that you wanted to doDo you remember when you were seven And the only thing that you wanted to do