
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 16:25:16
历史上3+1次数最多几次 but sometimes i have no times play with my pet because of too much homework...这句话错了吗? 她的爸爸总是在忙,没有时间陪他玩.Her father is busy ______ and doesn't have time to play with her. Love und erstands love; it needs no talk. 英语翻译人的一生不可能只爱一次,当真正的爱情降临时我们应该怎么做呢?是举手相拥还是撒手放弃.曾经几何时,羡慕那种执子之手与子偕老的爱情,想象着这一世能够拥有这样的爱情也已足 英语用法what he had to said about.为什么这里要加to?原句是:Perhaps they should read what he had to said about drugs:A national agency can provide the government more influence on .said 中间为什么要加to 一道英语单选题,关于is said to后面接什么.A Dream of the Red Chamber is said ________ into dozens of languages in the last decade.A) to have been translatedB) to translateC) to be translatedD) to have translated为什么不选A? He is said to be very good.这句话对吗,为什么TO后面要加be? He said he wanted to go aboard.从句里面的want后面为什么要加to 从句里面不是不可以带非谓语动词吗不是只有主句或简单句才可以有非谓语动词吗. Do you konw there address,这个句子对不?英语翻译 move love,I hold you near. 英语翻译 西语...jaja..que alegria no importa que es mentira.. 请原谅我的后知后觉英文怎么说? 是首英文歌女生唱的,我英文不好貌似是这么拼的:i love you rie can may .see fe you bay and way.i onye ka you anly wy on may .大概是这样的,有大神知道这首歌么 They had to get off at the next stop,________?A.hadn't they B.had they C.didn;t they D.did they 选哪一个啊 rosetta stone的德语版谁有,请发给我,最新的,要能安装的,我是小电白 Where Would You Be 歌词 为什么这里要用where would you be等待戈多里面 男1对男2说 如果没有我照顾你的话你会在什么地方 为什么要用where would you be?不能用will吗?这里用would是由于语境?时态?还是情绪? Where Would I Be 歌词 Suddenly miss you,where would you be我对英文一窍不通 Where We Would Be 歌词 what should i do what i should do?这句话对吗 what do you usually do和 what do you do分别是什么意思?差一个单词句子意思相差很多! 把should,what,he,nou,do这些词语连成句子,怎么连?我不要相关的,我只要我指定的用should,what,he,nou,do这些词语来连成句子! Telephone network that pays you!求翻译!要高端大气上档次 Rosetta Stone 点用户之后没反应填写了用户名后,点击开始 没反映了,右上角的用户帮助,激活产品,窗口全屏 关闭都可用.就是背景一直不变又没有东西弹出来.我上个图, 求ROSETTA STONE(如师通) 德语伴音不知哪位大大有ROSETTA STONE的德语伴音?注意,是 伴音,不是语言包,要能直接放到MP3里听的.电驴上的链接就不用放了 没人做源 早就下不动了,如果大大手里有 烦 诸葛神算第九十三卦什么意思寻找一友人.突然 完全断了音讯.已超过15天了. 大门正对墙角 邻居的墙角正对我的大门,距离大概有20多米远,请各位大师说一下,对我有影响吗?谢谢邻居的墙角正对我的大门,距离大概有20多米远,请各位大师说一下,对我有影响吗?谢谢 农村大门和邻居相对 What __they__(do)when I called you just now?