
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 16:29:45
这支钢笔是黄色的英语怎样写 I have got some peaches.改为否定句 英语翻译我们已经走得太远,以至于忘记了为什么出发.纪伯伦不是翻译,而是找到英文原文。 如题,When you are gone,pieces of heart are missing you. I forgot already The train for Beijing has already arrived. 这句中的动词是什么?为什么? 用适当的介词填空.1.I forgot to take the umbrella()me.2.It‘s cold outside.You’d better put your coat().3.The man()a hat is our English teacher. 写竹子的格言 1.is Sandy the shark watching happily .连词成句 以“we are getting ready for spring festival ”这英语进行时作文 短篇紧急呀 They are getting ready for Spring Festival.【变为一般疑问句】 ___ ___ the new neighborhood is!(感叹句) the new neighborhood is very quiet 这个歇后语是什么?一根竹子搭桥-------( ) 你喜欢什么类型的电影?我喜欢comedy.因为它们fun is,library,the,there,your,neighborhood.连词成句 neighborhood, is ,clean,there,in,a,the,park(连词成句) in,the,supermarket,a,there,big,is,neighborhood连词成句急 连词成句 supermarket; Special Market; the; called:is; in; there:a; neighborhood.大哥大 西藏的自然风光有哪些特点(用两句话来形容) Children all prefer ( ) cartoons to ( ) dull books A.watching...reading B.watching...readC.to watch...reading D.to watch...read 连词成句:is It in London rainy I think my parent are getting ready for the Spring Festival有错吗有s的,网打了= =对不起 照样子扩展.例:风景——美丽的风景——西藏有许多美丽的风景.祝福——微笑——雨露—— 试用实践与认识的辩证关系说明邓小平理论和三个代表重要思想的指导意义 试用实践和认识的辩证原理,说明邓小平理论和三个代表重要思想的指导意义 用be动词的适当形式填空.Tony with his father _____at home last night. (Does) he (have) (any) brothers (and) sisters?找出错误并改正 怎样认识三个代表重要思想与马列主义、毛泽东思想和邓小平理论的关系? 历史上最久的朝代800多年,中华民国能会有多长的历史呢?!【中国朝代】夏 商 周--西周、东周(春秋战国时期) 秦 西汉 新(王莽) 东汉 三国时期--魏、蜀、吴 西晋 东晋 南北朝时期(南朝-- l don't have a sister and a brother.改病句 请把这些新单词写下来.翻译成英语 这个单词很重要请把它们写下来(翻译成英文)