
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 18:19:36
when you ( )(come) tomorrow,please bring your book. 英语翻译最好,原文还附带罗马音吧. 日本二战时军旗是太阳旗,还是放光芒的太阳旗? In the lost and found case is what?= ()()the ()()() His book is at the lost and found case哪里错了 改正 Without you 为什么中国的国旗星星是有大小的,美国的却是一样大 哪国国旗集太阳、月亮、星星于一体﹖ “Don't take photos here”,said Tom改为:Tom【】us【】【】【】photos【】. Please bring the book to me(同义句) 今年是中国人民抗日胜利62周年,在抗日战争中涌现出不少著名英雄人物,写出一位抗日英雄的名字和简要的英 Please bring me your homework tomorrow morning同义句 抗日英雄的名字有那些. to say all you know and say it without reserve How do you say goodbye to someone you can’t imagine living without?在线翻译之类的就免了. 咏怀八十二首(其一),运用了什么表现手法? 英语翻译I often went Asoke late,please be careful of pickpockets.Lady Boy group Dattari,my child...If Lady Boy Masu Haki came into my hands in my pocket while playfully touching the body.If a child has been pushing the sweets here are big enough 我的家乡以著名抗日英雄赵尚志同志的名字而命名用英语怎么说 写出抗日英雄的名称1.抗日战争中为保卫东北而壮烈牺牲的人是()2.抗日战争中为保卫北平而壮烈牺牲的人是()3.()带领军队浴血奋战取得抗战以来的重大胜利4.()带领中国军队主动 what about buying a card ______ our mother ______ the coming Christmas .这里填什么介词,为什么 YOU think you are funny,____ you?DON'T YOU do you think you are very powerful? Miss Liu is our f____ teacher. she hasn't heard from him_______ last month.3Q填空A.since B.until 并解释;-) 27.He hasn’t heard from his friend __________ last month.A.since B.by the end of C.for D.until别误导人 She has heard from her mother last week.的否定句She( )from her mother since last week. Do you think English is very u--------?yes,I do.u后面填什么成为一个单词,使句子完整,通顺. What do you think of "Sport Report __ Yes ,I think it very much .___ _.A、I like ,too B、I do ,too C、I don't ,either D、I do ,either parts of the earth整个地球各地; part of the earth 地球的一部分.是这么区别的吗? 四级卷子带出来了怎么办 四级英语卷子分区域么?有人说分大体的区域,华中,华北什么的,分AB卷,真的假的? Ningbo lies in the __________ (东方的) part of China.