
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 10:56:42
什么( )在眉( ) 有哭有笑的反义词?两个 海塘大堤早已人山人海 是什么修辞手法 再访写一个 海塘大堤上早已人山人海.这是什么句? 江潮还没有来,海塘大堤上早已人山人海怎样写的更具体?快啊,我大后天要考的 距串你哇~~~嚼距啦什么意思 吃. 嚼服的意思是什么 嚼文字什么意思嚼文字是什么意思? 第十五题怎么做,求求你们帮帮忙 关于hijack的幽默英语作文 世界上最爱杨威的女人是谁不是明星的杨威 是普通人 How I wish you as before, and together 是什么意思 在名词性从句中,什么时候用WHAT做连接词?什么时候用THAT呢? 定语从句中what作连接词吗? 有人把一双皮鞋放在门眉,有什么意思?我旁边的一家人把一双鞋子放在门眉上面…有人知道吗? 双眉紧锁的意思 3.Before the child went to bed,the father asked him to __ ________ all the toys he had taken out.A.put off B.put up C.put away D.put out 有一个单词是present的同意词,但是使用再修饰的名词之前的,是什么 请问present(现在)组词一个? present 用作形容词名词之间有什么意义不同 present +名词和名词+present 一样不 如何做米字操 He is not careful.He went to school in _____shoes,but not ____onesA.a pair of,a couple of B.a pair of ,a pair of C.a couple of ,a pair of D.a couple of a couple of 选择哪个?帮我解析下 计划植树2000亩,完成植树40亩后,环保组织加入植树是全村植树的1.5倍,共用13天完成,全村每天植多少亩? I'm glad my parents insisted that we Spanish at homeI'm glad my parents insisted that we Spanish at home A.speaking B.speak C.have spoken D.had sopkenIt was she got a bad mark.A.since Cwhile D.because he insisted that the laboratory report ( ) immediately after the experiment was doneA. was going to be written B. be written C. to be written D. would be written为什么答案选B呢,我选C的 江苏菜的特点 问一道英语题,What a(surprise surprising) present?选哪个? 要是其他人都带了礼物怎么办呢?用英文怎么说? -______ _______ everyone else brings a present has been to\in在什么情况下才省掉介词 我们给你买了一个礼物 We bought或buy you a present哪个对