
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 00:37:17
按照例句完成下列句子【200分!】(一般现在时)【主语(非三单)+动词原形】例句:We not often play football inthe park.【We don't often play football inthe park.】1.I usually watch TV at the weekend.【 】2.The stud 【英语】按照例句完成下列句子【200分!】[小学](1个40分)(一般现在时的否定形式)例句:We not often play football inthe park.【We don't often play football inthe park.】(把not变为了don't)I not usua She likes thrillers对thrillers提问 jim likes comedies and thrillers.(对划线部分提问) ---------------------------------------- Maria doesn’t watch thrillers,and she likes comedies.如何改错? 英语翻译请高手提示下文章中使用的一些翻译技巧 .Mr.Stone gave us the greatest gift a teacher can bestow ---an awakening of a passion for learning .He had a way of dangling before us part of a story,a literary character or idea ,un She likes comedies,and she ___like thrillers A.don't B.do C.doesn't she likes comedies .she does"t like thrillers.(合并成一句) It's a quarter past five now.(保持句意不变)It's___ _____now.It's____ ____ ____now. 英语翻译英语翻译“世界上几乎每天都有体育比赛,但最著名的是每四年举办的奥运会,在2008年北京奥运会上,菲尔浦斯(Phelps),博尔特(bolt)等运动员吸引了全世界人民的目光” 奥运会为什么是世界三大体育赛事. 翻译”世界上几乎每天都有体育比赛 一时有兴趣随便问问 1.宾馆里都是房卡刷门 房卡插电的吗2.宾馆房间里的吹风机收费吗3.套房是有客厅吗4.有哪些房型 宾馆如何不插房卡取电怎么才能不插卡取电 我宾馆平均每天只开出10个左右的房间.房间设施只有空调,电热水器,电视.每个月的耗电量为七千度电.电费是1.18元每度.7000x1.18=8260元.我们用的电是从私人变压器转接过来的.他那边装了一个电 给母校写一封信500字急啊! 他把灯关了的英语句子 只有把房卡插入槽中,房间内的灯个插座才有电,房卡的作用是什么 我房间有个插座烧坏了,对房子里面的别的插座有没有影响,对房子的电有没有影响的,我房间的插座烧坏了,我现在在大厅上网,这意思就是别的插座不会有影响,房间的电也不会? 房卡的作用是相当于一个_接在干路上.某房客把断开开关的台灯插头插入插座时,房间里其它灯全部熄灭,保险丝熔断,故障的原因是_? 落实学习计划,制定学习计划 作文 300字 要落实 以《我向雷锋学习》300字作文我在写作业 急 快来!请高手帮我! Mary's score on the test is the highest in her class; she _____ have studied very hard.答案是MUST 但是may也可以吧,表示可能性不高 1.Mary's score on the test is the highest in her class; she _____ have studied very hard.A.may B.should C.must D.ought to2.He suggested ______to tomorrow's exhibition together.A.us to go B.we went C.We shall go D.we go3.Only by shouting at the top of Mary is really good at taking notes in class.She can almost every word herMary is really good at taking notes in class.She can ()almost every word her teacher saysA put down B put out C put away D put together选哪个为什么? 急求知识竞赛的口号 If Mary is late for class tomorrow the teacher won‘t ___ A.let her in B.let she in 为什么选A?If Mary is late for class tomorrow the teacher won‘t ___A.let her in B.let she in 为什么选A?B为什么是错的?好的加分 一般知识竞赛口号有哪些? 改错1.Miss Zhang is one one of the busiest teacher2.Jane's hair is much longer than her mother 现召集外语口语大赛口号,主体以选拔精英为主,是外语口语大赛 不要特别用英语 各个国家的语言都有 所以还是以汉字为主 例:流利口语 展示风采... 可是流利口语好像没什么气魄 希望有 连词成句 wears dress mary lovely her注意 mary人,名 跪求英语拽一点比赛口号,要英文!