
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 21:44:11
英语翻译帮助别人是他的特点 《人和动物友好相处》阅读答案短文开头用了5个感叹号,表达了作者怎样的思想感情 表现人与动物友好相处的诗句 美文摘抄150字体裁不限, 人和动物和谐相处的故事,100左右急、急、急、、、、、快, 8分之5X+8=3X-11是解方程,教教我 急需40篇150字美文摘抄40篇150字美文(可以是好的段落),必须不少于150字. 班里学习小组要取一个名字和座右铭,想要帮取个特别有个性的英文名或中文名(希望是英文要有点含义或哲理如果是英文,希望顺便把音标和中文意思和蕴含的哲理发过来,中文或英文的名字 国家与首都的中文名和英文名10~15至少10~15个 额.二楼滴哪位,你知道就告诉一声啊,不知道也就算了, 谁知道各国首都的英文名?注:带音标!不要太多,5个即可 10个国家和首都的英文名和中文名?要10个国家和首都的英文名和中文名!要回答完整! 世界上所有国家的名称,全称,首都及其英语和音标 要准 要全好的话还可以加分 ( +30以上)条理一些 高压锅是根据什么原理制造的? 高压锅的原理.急·!·这一章我没学懂.问一下比如说水在高原地区的沸点低,那就应该更容易被烧开吧?那如果是这样用高压锅虽然把温度增高咯,但水的沸点也增高咯,那也不容易烧开三,增高后 描写春天的词语和诗句描写人的词语 描写春天的诗句和词语知道的来! NBA各支球队名称的音标 重点是音标 描写老师的诗句50字不能多 写一段描写春天景物的话,并用上你学过的诗句.(不要太长,50字即可) 急需描写春天的词语50个谢谢各位了 1.如图1,ad平行bc,ad=bc,ae=cf,求证de平行bf2.如图2,已知bc⊥ad,ac=cb,cd=ce,且c在ad上,ae的延长线与bd交于f,请你在图中找出一对全等三角形,并写出证明它们全等的过程.3.如图3,ad⊥bc,bd=dc,点c在ae的垂直平 几道初二数学题!暂时没多少分了,回答好的,追加100分(1)在正方形ABCD的外侧,在AD边作等边三角形ADE,连接BE,则∠AEB的度数为?(2)顺次连接等腰梯形各边的中点,所得到的四边形为?(3)一个 高一英语改错My friend Henry,with him I studied in the same class,didn’t like studying at school.That’s because he couldn’tgo to high school.He had to return back to his hometown,where his father wished him to learn to manage our smallshop Video games have become very popular in recentlyyears.Wherever you go to,you will find middle schoolstudents playing games either in bars nor at home.Some students believe that playing games are veryhelpful for them to develop their interest of compu 高一英语改错.急Most students study English hardly at school but they only use the time study the rules of the language and new words.They spend a lot of time in exercises.They don't like read English very much.Actually,reading for pleasure is 下列每个句子都有一处错误,找出并改正.1.The old man said he had joined the army in 1965.2.Mary said she did not heard from her old classmate since Sep.3.Don't look at someone else paper,Jonh.You should do it by yourself.4.In order to i the museum is built where used to be a tower我觉得把where改为in which,不知对否? 一篇关于人与动物和谐相处的文章或作文 关于春的七字诗 要自己写的 描写春天的五字古诗 杜牧写的带有春字的七字诗句如题 高一英语改错题The long-desired winter vacation arrived in the end,As soon as the bell rang ,announced the end of the class ,each student couldn't wait to rush out of the classroom .Half an hour late,my good friend Li Ming ang I were on the way