
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 15:26:16
请推荐下大学英语四级听力专门训练书(内详)不要专题训练(天气专题,运动专题等),就要模拟四级原题的训练提(短长对话+独白+单词填空),望好心人推荐下,商推销退让 四级和雅思练那本听力好呢我大一,准备留学读研,我英语底不是很好,正在练黑眼睛听力的IELTS,算是2手准备吧,如果不能出国,今年6月我还得考四级,我想说,练完黑眼听力的IELTS,为了考四级我还 好的雅思雅思听力练习书希望大家能给我推荐本好的雅思听力练习书,最好是真题的.之前买了本刘创编的雅思听力真题题源,感觉不太好,每个Section都像S4一样中间不停,直接10个空一起读,而且 暑假在家自学雅思 大学英语四级水平 我该买的书.词汇 语法 做题的 新东方? 英语翻译以苯基甘氨酸为出发物,经氨基保护,硅烷计划制备含电子供体的苯基甘氨酸,然后与邻苯二甲酰甘氨酸酰氯发生酰化,联入电子受体,得到N端-邻苯二甲酰基-C端-〔(三甲基硅甲基)苄基 请英文好的朋友帮助翻译一下:其次,珍妮的行为是违法的.目前的事态还没有发展到最严重的底部.同时,珍妮的行为早晚会败露.当公司产生巨大的损失后,公司势必会调查此事.而那时的珍妮势 杭州湾大桥多长 宁波杭州湾跨海大桥全长约为? 英语翻译 杭州湾跨海大桥有什么意义?不要长篇大论~有个人想法的可以谈谈~禁止骂人~ 杭州湾跨海大桥的落成有何意义?如题 英语中的完形填空和阅读理解该怎么样才能够拿高分 单句改错:3.What does vinegar taste?-It tastes sour. what does the sandwich taste like?怎么回答 What does the moon look like?怎样回答 What does the sandwich taste like?怎样回答 ask some questions1,Argentina levelled 10 minutes later when Lionel went down in what appeared to be a simple 50-50 challenge.第一句话中what在这里是什么意思?2,But ultimately with Asian PGA Tour or Euro PGA Tour,the aim is to provide the 杭州湾跨海大桥长度 Excuse me.Can I ask you some questions? 杭州湾跨海大桥的长度 ask me some questions的中文意思大神们帮帮忙 杭州湾大桥的长度? Let me 什么[ask] them some questions She ask me some questions about it ____(simple)如题why 急How does the juice taste?B:_____________.All of them taste delicious.1`.A:How does the juice taste?B:_____________A.All of them taste delicious.B.All of it tastes delicious.C.Most of it are delicious.D.I like most of them.2.We need chopsticks.Coul The apple is sour to the taste.这苹果是酸的.把to the taste去掉行吗?或者改成the apple's taste is sour May I ask you some questions 什么意识 --- Excuse me,may I ask you some questions?--- Sorry.I'm too busy and haven't even a minute to ____.a.spare b.spend c.share d.stop选A,其他错在哪 May I ask you some questions?做肯定回答 The chocolate tastes good.对good提问.____ does the chocolate taste? chocolate taste good还是chocolate tastes good不可数名称后面的动词是要加s的吗 用正确的句子完成对话:A:Hello i'm a reporter of a TV station .Can i ask you some questions B:OK.A:What do you do B:( )A:Being a policewoman is a good job How many people are there in your family B:( ).They're my grandfather ,grandmother ,f 杭州湾大桥有多长?