
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 00:46:13
谁能帮忙写春节的英语小短文带翻译 用英语写一篇介绍中国春节的短文用上:1.春节的时间2.购物3.吃年夜饭4.走亲访友5.从父母和亲戚处得到红包6.春节装饰物7.开开心心过节 英语翻译带有翻译 一篇英语的“你怎么度过春节”作文.50-80字,带翻译阿.过去式的 英语翻译The Farmer,His Horse,and His son Once there was an old farmer,with a horse which was almost as old as himself.He set out one morning with his son to sell the horse before it died.Father and son walked,because the farmer did not want the h 收一道英语的阅读短文完成练习 求一篇英语朗读短文英语系的一朋友需要一篇英语朗读短文代表班级参加朗读比赛,需要一篇3-5分钟的朗读短文,需要感人,并符合专业水平的短文,求英语帝出现~必须吸引人,不然就幽默,不然就 好的练习英语的文章.3篇左右就好,多啦更好,说不定还会加分.. 一英语短文练习‘There was a famous French writer.He was a man of great achievements(成就 ).He said that one of his main( 主要的) achievements was his study of hand-writing.He had spent much time on it and he often told his friend s that 英语翻译7篇也行 英语短篇小故事故事带翻译. 六年级英语短文练习 英语翻译A Thirsty Ant There is an ant in the garden.He is very thirsty.He works all theday.And he doesn't drink any water since(自从)this morning.He runs here and there to look for some water .But he can't find any.Suddenly a large drop of wa 阅读英语短文完成练习(买袜子)A young man goes to the city and buys himself a pair of socks.When he comes back home,he goes to his room and tries them on.He finds they are in different colour$.One is blue and other is green.He 英语练习题,英语短文,感激不尽 英文科练习题文章 英语翻译越多越好 有没有一种文章可以专门练习英语名词的 收十道英语的阅读短文完成练习,麻烦你改一下,OK?文章要短 英语翻译An old man died and left his son a lot of money.But the son was a foolish young man,and he quickly spent all the money,so that soon hehad nothing left.Of course ,when that happened,all his friends lefthim.When he was quite poor and alone, 阅读这篇英语短文,完成下面各题. 如何快速完成英语的阅读短文? 小学三年级英语阅读短文练习 怎样做英语阅读短文题?我总做不好,高手帮帮! 英语阅读短文一道题 三、四年级英语阅读练习(要短文、题、答案)1个也可以最好5个 PEP人教版小学六年级上册英语期末作文专项练习题快期末了,求作文练习~希望也有英语阅读、选择的期末练习题. tony is a naughty boy .He is good at study ,but he is often late for school.today he is late again.His teacher ,Miss LI is very angry.She asks Tom to tell her the reason(原因).Tony 求一篇英语口语文章要求是waht do you think is more important in getting a job,education,backgroud or experience? 求一篇英语口语短文关于(hope for the best and prepare for the worst:Getting ready for challenges in future jobs and career )200字左右!急用! 求一篇关于死亡的英语口语作文 初一英语口语练习的文章我想参加比赛,我认为好的参考书现在书店没有了,希望大家能帮我找几篇适合我的英语文章!(我英语口语较好)