
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 22:44:49
哈利波特与凤凰社读后感5050字 Boy like sports more than girls.They are very a____.请问,这个空怎么填呢? indeed,in fact,actually,这些词的区别是什么? in fact和actually各自用法? i like to eat ____(more blue than red) grapes.they are deliciousRT是让填词,不是翻译 in reality 和in fact 有什么区别如题 Mum cooked me some delicious d___ last weekend. 英语翻译不要机器的翻译,力求准确、易理解的翻译哈~ 英语翻译这时今天有道词典首页的一句话,它给的翻译是:目标远大,效果必佳.可我看不懂, some ……othersome……othersother the otherthe otherssome ……the othersome……the others的区别 other和someSarah has read lots of storiesby American writers.Now she would like to read ___stories by writes form ___countries.为什么第一空不能填other? ---James,I'm sorry I used your computer when you were away this morning -----___________ 关于 “some.other(s).是不是(1)some.others.例如:some students are boy ,others are girl. (2) some+可数名词复数 other+可数名词复数例如:some students are boy ,other students are girl.对不对?若不对请补充说明 The student try very hard to improve their study改成同意句是不是把miprove 改成 make? there is a belief that true friends are people who have had similar life experiences that引导什么句引导什么句子? 【老友记】that's all there are of these.前文是:有个老外说要吃100个shrimp raviolis,然后Monica就回答了这句我看中文解释是:只有这一些了.there are of these这里我不明白~ 句子分析Perhaps one of the worst fears of all i had as a child was that of n帮忙分析一下句子结构Perhaps one of the worst fears of all I had as a child was that of not being liked or accepted by others 请介绍我国除了赵州桥、永定桥以外的另一座有名的桥 孙中山的三民主义首先要解决的主要矛盾是什么 谁能从哲学的角度解答黄金分割的原理,能引用道家佛家名言典故再好不过.不要复制百度百科,因为那些解释连他自己都不明白真正含义 True feeling是什么意思麻烦告诉下. I am playing with snow ,that make me very happy!What about you?可能语法有错误,请帮忙指出. 孙中山将解决土地问题引入民主主义革命的基本纲领,最早是在? 英语翻译1) 举行盛大的葬礼,与其说是向死者志哀,不如说是为了满足生者的虚荣.2) 最精妙的智慧能产生最精妙的愚蠢. How does he spend his time every week?The bar chart shows this.(改为宾语从句)the bar chart shows__________he_________his time every day The astronauts will land on other planets the same way____ they land on the C理由 The astronauts will land on other planets the same way____ they land on the which D.which There are things missing that is missing,like love,please,do not recall that we share the regretmissed 被动语态If more time give we can do it better this is one of the things that i most regret.有没有语法错误? 【用适当的介词或副词填空】 My monther wanted to know what Tony said ----- the soap opera. a __________ ,it is time to go home ,it is dark now 怎么判断宾语从句和定语从句?