
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:11:15
This film is very interesting对very interesting提问 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( )this film? I think this movie is very e( )easy对吗 一() 就成 是一个成语,这个成语记得不是很清楚各位大侠斑斑忙我是小渣渣 形容一下子就明白了的成语 形容把不开心的事都记得很清楚用哪个成语比如我记得我们之间发生的一些不开心的,伤心的事,用哪个成语合适?用清晰可见、记忆犹新这些都是形容记住开心的事的比如我伤害了自己最爱的 later on i have an egg and some milk 我早晨想多睡一会儿.【翻译成英文】 英语翻译He likes to ____ ____ ____ longer in the morning. 一帆风顺翻译成英文怎么 说 英语一路顺风怎么说? 形容看得很清楚成语 (1)只要消灭了物体内的蛋白质,就可以使物体长期保存而不变质?(2)氟元素主要来源于哪类食物?(3)在CO还原氧化铁的实验装置中,澄清石灰水能否用NaOH代替?(请说明理由) 描述一下人类早期生产活动,要简便、、原始社会的 致儿子的一封信 22题第二问的②,第三问 9年级英语语法总复习 英语语法如何复习最近在学新概念2也在外面报了班 可是回来之后觉得语法方面无从入手 语感可以被课文 词汇量可以背单词 可是语法怎么复习 总不能背语法书吧 还有就是推荐款新概念2的 幸福的人善于忘记自己给过别人什么,却永远记得别人给过自己什么 的成语意思 一个中国孩子的呼声饱含着作者对和平的渴望,朗读时,要以 的语气来读. 两道题 求过程 张静的个性英文名字该怎样拼? 在线中文名取英文名,张静,最好和我的中文名字谐音,姓氏保留为汉语拼音 It was not____she took off her glasses____I realized she was a famous film star.A.when;that B.until;that C.until;that D.when;then选什么理由 She was ______to be one of the famous film stars.选项: a、thought as b、 thinking c、 thought d、 they thought it was not ___she took off her sunglasses ____i realized she was a famous film stara.when thatb.until tahtc.until when d.when then哪个对,关键是其他3个分别错在哪? It was not__she took off her dark glasses__I realized she was a famous film starA.when;thatB.until;thatCuntil;whenD.when;then顺便问一下这是几年级水平的题目 求详解:1.It was not ___she took off her dark glasses ___ I realized she was a famous film star.求详解:1.It was not ___she took off her dark glasses ___ I realized she was a famous film star.A.when,that B.until,that C.until,when D.when,then 我想取一个跟名字谐音的英文名~但是想不到很好的~- - 中文名字我另外告诉你好不? 帮忙取一个英文名、最好和中文名谐音的.我叫朱亚红,男生 ,要求和中文名字谐音.自己想了几个,觉得难听. 常温奶与巴氏奶那个对身体好?喝什么奶对身体好,要常喝的. 英语选择:-------my astonishment ,the famous film star was once invoved -------theft.A to ; with B in ;in Cto;in D in;with 英文书籍名称只能用名词吗?可以用OUR这样的词吗?