
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 20:18:36
say' what you wanna hear 中文什么意思? Have I wasted all your funny的名词形式是什么?快 快 快 快 funny能做名词吗?今天我看见一部电子词典上面写有funny做名词意思是滑稽的笑话!我简直好郁闷·!在郎文高阶里面查funny做名词啊!那到底能做吗? A: ____the girl with it? B:she is my good friend. 空格内填什么A:WHAT IS ON THE DESK?B:THERE IS A TELEPHONE。A:————THE GIRL WITH IT?B:SHE IS MY GOOD FRIEND。空格内填什么 Not until I began to work ________ how much time I had wasted.A.didn't I realize B.did I realize C.I didn't realize D.I realize You can't hear what I'm saying( )you stop speaking1.only if 2.unless 3.lest 4.except that funny不可以做名词吗? she is wondering what to do and say.的同义句? 英语翻译请帮忙仔细说下原因、 谢那为什么不翻译成,这里(某地)有五个男孩离开呢。left 也有离开的意思啊。 英语翻译是该翻译成:这里有小男孩.还是翻译成:这里只有一点男孩? be good at 和 be good with 的区别 be good at后加什么词? 地球陆地表层有哪些主要的地理景观类型 he did nothing the whole aftirnoon(改为同义句) 他整个下午都躺在那儿,什么都不想 He _ _ there the whole afternoon,_ about nothing. Pcs好象跟BOX有关系,但不知道准确的意思, instruction.special size export carton:12 pcs per color box 地球环境有哪些组成成分 over time 并造个句子 heal over time是啥意思 The boys are playing basketball there. I can see the boys are ( playing basketball) there.对划线部分提问,划线部分是括号里面的 funny的名词形式? over time Tom is fifteen years old.Mary is fifteen years old,too(改为同意句) 根据短文内容,回答下列问题 What is the meaning of "fyesh" in English? 将The little girl does well in swimming 改为同义句 The uk is called (an island country) 对划线部分提问划线部分就是括号里的—— —— the uk——? in the past few years,they ———many children find their families.a help b will helpc were helpingd have helped where are you?be quietly怎么翻译 南北半球季节相反,所以3-6月我们是春夏秋冬,南半球是秋冬春夏,