
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 12:24:09
根据句意和所给首字母填单词.You shouldn't p------ to know what you don't know. 先抑后扬写物的作文最好是用两种方法写的:先抑后扬和托物言志 "they looked for a place to stay"用错了吧?(源于教科书)我认为stay后应加in 同样的,“the places that earthquake often happens”也用错了吧?还是place这个词特殊.让我们来讨论一下, Luckily ,they find a circus .It's a good place for them to stay .The circus travels to many Europ-ean cities .Vitaly the tiger is the leader of the circus .But he is sad because there are no new performances in the circus .He even wants to close the they looked for a quiet place to live in ,不定式后的介词in要吗?要是不要,可教本里有这样一句话:zoos are terrible places for animals to live in. out of this 请问You’ve got to be out of this It was out of this world. it was out of this world all the people sit behind him是说谁 is什么时候是助动词,什么时候是系动词 英语翻译感激不尽啊! 怎样解决作文的语言描写 200个大气压下谁的沸点是多少摄氏度?最好给出关系式,谢谢! 先抑后扬的作文怎么写啊 Talk _______ and do ______.I think It's good for people.more lessmuch littleless morelittle much 已知管式太阳能热水气有20跟管子,每根管子长2米,管内共有存水320千克,你能估计出每根管子的直径是多少厘米(误差小于1)一步步来 20管太阳能热水器,每根管长2米,管内共存水320kg,你能估计每根管子的直径是多少厘米吗?(误差小于1) 太阳能为什么管子长吸热效果好呢? I like school,but I'm always happy to get back to our farm during the holidays .翻译 I am going to run in the park 就画线部分提问 什么做 英语语法:she has kicked me 和 he is kidding me 中 很多文献出现了简化has is成 she's he's请问在正规文体中这样写作可以吗 学校的教育没说这种简化 只叫了 can't what's 什么的如果我写作文或者论文什 i am going to run to the 200 with my friends tomorrow (一般疑问句) She has m_____ a few good movies over the years. (根据句意填词)She has m___ a few good movies over the years.可不可以填made?如果不能,那填啥? 意志坚强的人的表现是什么请举例说明,简单点 意志坚强的人有哪些表现 意志坚强的人有哪些表现? 意志坚强的人有谁给我几个.还要介绍~不要太多的.2、3百字.这么半天没一个活人来。 The man ___to the teacher is our monitor's fatherA.spoken B.speaks C.speaking为什么? free space 的意思是什么 求个free loop歌曲链接,空间可以用的 ,