
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 11:25:52
英语中把间接转述句什么情况下要加that? 帮忙做几个初二下的英语间接转述的1."what can i do for you?"she said to me2.“My sister is doing washing” Amy said to me3."The earth is smaller than the sun"My father said to me4."Are you good at English?"H said to me5.My father aske 用alarm clock,next to,bring,take,need造句句子中用上以上词语,急!!! I am going to enjoy myself during the May Day holiday.(改为同义句)I am going to __duing the May Day holiday. want a go的中文意思是什么 铁公鸡等一些特殊称谓的意思,如替罪羊SOS SOS SOS SOS SOS SOS! The both e________ living in china. 有没有人讨厌周杰伦?和喜欢都说说理由! 英语翻译;Aircraft Carrier[CARRIER]UIName=Name:CARRIERName=Aircraft CarrierPrerequisite=GAYARD,TECHPrimary=HornetLauncherSpawns=HORNETSpawnsNumber=5SpawnRegenRate=600SpawnReloadRate=150FireAngle=32ToProtect=yesCategory=SupportStrength=800Naval=yes now they are s____ of a primary school in China. 英语翻译 没有感觉能像登上航空母舰那样好.(aircraft carrier) USS 中途岛航母博物馆 USS MIDWAY AIRCRAFT CARRIER MUSEUM怎么样 哪里有aircraft carrier.cs和aircraft carrier.cs But touching things can help you to see them better. __better attention,the cabbages could have grown better with the sun__them light.为什么前面用given后面用giving "between and "在oracle 9i中的范围是包括两端的值么? 请问:"between 80 and 90"是在什么范围?包不包括80和90? 表示事实与所说或所料相符的四字词语.(只要一个!) You have been here,的have Have you been bad?在布拉德皮特新片预告里看到 一个女人问男人.bad是变坏?坏男孩那种意思?还是境况不好 生活情况不好那种意思? you have been beautifu 什么意思哈 It is important for us all ()(stay)healthystay的形式 It's important (stay)___ healthy2 She is very quiet and doesn't enjoy ____(go) to the party SQL中的not between and 包括等号吗 SQL语言中,条件年龄BETWEEN AND的用法 comes,food,he,no,school,with,to(连词组句) They are everyh_in china. Everyhh后面是什么,求大神是首字母填空,h后面因该是什么有道里查出来个everyhow。。。。。本大神都想了好久。。。。。。大神在哪里呀,大神在哪里? To distinguish between翻译 【童话译吧】in the book,between the leaves,lies a rose,quite flat and dry汉语,地道些, 太阳双子 上升摩羯 月亮双鱼 金星巨蟹 木星天蝎. 求高人指教分析. I am going to watch a soccer game_____Chinese team and Japanese team.A.between B.of Are they all _____(China)?Are they all in______(China)?适当形式填空