
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 18:54:46
where they are 和where are they Where are they?的意思 说下中国,美国,英国,韩国,日本这几个国家,各个优点和缺点.每个国家的优缺点至少各个5项.随便点就行,必须要简单易懂,而且比较熟悉的,类似于中国的四大发明啊什么的,还有长城啊,中国的几 我数学考了一百分,妈妈喜悦地笑了.用喜悦造句,这个句子造的对吗? 英国怎么打中国座机我是英国这边的卡,我打国内的手机都可以打回去,但是我不知道怎么打座机,我想打的座机的区号是0833,哪位高人指点下,谢谢 中国为何不打英国和法国又看了一扁火烧圆明园,太可恨了 这仇总要报的吧.为何不打他们,把凡尔赛宫白金汉宫都灭掉么? 英语翻译:中国文化代表有山水画,园林,功夫和京剧等. ( )some students about their favourite movies.填空(told asked.talked.said) Some students sit around ( ) and wait for their tencher.A in group B in groupsC group D groups Some students in Class 2 go to school by their bikes 哪里错了 求哪位大侠发我十篇对英语四级有帮助的经典的文章,要带听力的!听力要清晰! Part I 单选题 (20%)1.— Whose pen is it?— It’s __________ .A.mine B.my C.I2.— Do you often meet each other?— No,we don’t.But we can meet at the New Year’s party________.A.once a year B.once a month C.last year3.— What would you There wo gave our performance ,after---George gave us some chocolate.答案是which,为什么what 不对呢? Our teacher gave us some advice how we(should)use the computer上句中为什么是同位语从句而不是定语从句 而且从句中的主谓成分都不缺 怎么判断how引导从句是定语从句还是同位语从句了? Our science teacher shows some butterflies ( )us.括号里填介词 英语 怎么写 连词成句 .CO.UK 域名英国域名到什么地方注册比较便宜和服务比较好? 英语的连词成句怎么写 英语高手快来帮我看看这连词成句怎么写?是《寒假生活指导》P32/II.4.4.school,turn,at,the,then,go,right,straight_________________________________________高手来看看,标点符号也不能缺, 一根长为10cm的铁丝弯成一个直角三角形的两条直角边,要使三角形的面积是9cm²,则还需准备一根长 下面的请那位高手帮帮做做啊!大专公共英语 (二) 注意:务必做在答题纸上.只需交7.We can make a snowman ___________winter.A.in B.at C.on10.— What’s your favorite season(季节)?— ______________ .A.Summer B.Wint some money用it代还是用them代 he gave me some fruit l apples and oranges She gave them some interesting story books.同义句改写 在英国买的电器在中国能直接使用吗?我想买一个水壶,是电热的.据说英国的电压是230V..能不通过转换插头使用吗?英国的插头形状应该和这边的一样吧? 去英国使用中国的电器要带什么样的转换插头?2个月后去英国旅游,要带什么样的转换插头?220V转几V的?哪里有卖? 希望英语风采大赛怎样的出场秀比较好?(初中组)要求才艺表演和自我介绍相结合. 希望英语笔试题谁见过?大学组的 大专公共英语作业求教1.“Who would like to go fishing with me?”“I ______.”A.shall B.would C.may D.will 2.Mr.Smith will buy some interesting books for______.A.you,him and me B.you,I and he C.you,me and him D.him,you and 中南海过滤嘴里面的黑色碳粒为什么变成绿色了? He gave us ( ) on how to keep it.A some advices B some advice C an advice D a advice为什么这样选 He gave us _______ on how to keep fit.A.some newHe gave us _______ on how to keep fit.A.some news.B.some advice.C.an advice.D.a advice.