
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 02:40:47
某专卖店每件20元的价格购进了一批内衣,然后以每件33元的价格卖出,当卖出总数的四分之五时,不但收回成还盈利128元,这批内衣有多少件?要算式 方程写详细点也行~ 已知关于x的不等式 2x^2-2(a-1)x+(a+3)>0 的解集是R求实数 a的取值范围 已知关于X的不等式2X²-2(a-1)X+(a+3)>0的解集是R,求实数a的取值范围 Is there a forest in the park she said she would go to school tomorrow 为什么tomorrow修饰从句,怎么判断时间是修饰主句还是从句的 “Can she work out the difficult problem?”the teacher said. (改为含有宾语从句的复合句)The teacher asked she work out the difficult problem.My mother asked me ________ (not be) late for school My sister was born ______ the mor 已知数列an的前n项和为sn=2的n次方 +a(a为长数)1.求a1.a2.a3已知数列an的前n项和为sn=2的n次方 +a(a为长数)1.求a1.a2.a32.若数列{an}为等比数列,求常数a的值及an 已知正项数列{an}的前n项和为Sn,对任意n属于N*都有(a1)3次方+(a2)3次方+(a3)3次方+…+an3次方...已知正项数列{an}的前n项和为Sn,对任意n属于N*都有(a1)3次方+(a2)3次方+(a3)3次方+ When you are home,give a call to letme know you have arrived safely.这句话中哪是从句,那是主句?从句、主句怎么分? she said she would go home tomorrow 为什么tomorrow修饰从句,怎么判断时间是修饰主句还是从句的 .When I got to her home,she had gotten _ (dress). I arrived ____ the office at seven thirty this morning. He usually work (in the office )(in the morning)就划线部分提问 如图所示,在△ABC中,画出它们的三条中线AD,BE,CF.三条中线交于一点G,AG与GD的长度有什么关系?用刻度尺验证你的结论.换一个三角形试试看,看上述结论是否还成立?情况紧急, 【高中英语】we arrived at work in the morning and foundWe arrived at work in the morning and found that somebody ________ into the office during the night.A,brokeB.had brokenC.has brokenD.was breaking选B.break不是短暂性动词吗,为什么 科学的计算题.紧急容积为2.5升的塑料瓶,质量为100克,装满食用油后,瓶和油的总质量为2.35千克,这种油的密度多大? 英语单项选择:I'm hungry.I'm going to have lunch _____.A.hungry the morning C.on Sunday 根据句意用适当的介词填空.They walked ____ the town to find a good place to have lunch. 填上正确的介词.2.( )my way to school,I met Mr Green .3.( )Monday morning,we have an Englishclass .5.---Who is ( ) duty today?----Tom(is).6.Count( )one( ) ten,please.10.This book is different( )that one.改错:1.---Whant*s in supper?- 某商品标价为13200元,若以九折出售,仍可获利10%,设该商品的进价为x,可列方程? 某商品标价6000元,若以9折出售仍可获利8%,该商品的进货价是多少元? 在三角形ABC中,角A等于60度,角ACB的平分线CD和角ABC的平分线BE交于点G,求证GE等于GD 如图:三角形ABC中,角A等于60度,角ACB的平分线CD和角ABC的平分线交与点G,求证:GE=GD三角形ABC为任意三角形. is,nature,there,the,park,city连词成句 不是问句 表示很久的词语就是一段时间给多几个, 要表达:“因为很忙所以很久不见了”该用什么诗词呢? 某种商种标价6000元,若以9折出售,仍可获利8%,该商种的进价是()元. 某商品标价6000元,若以9折出售仍可获利8%,该商品的进货价是多少元?(获利的百分之8是谁的百分之八?) 神经冲动在神经纤维传导的速度取决于离子运输速度吗?本人刚高中毕业,生物书上说神经冲动是由于电位差形成的,而电位差是因为钠钾离子内外流,那么神经冲动的速度岂不取就是决于离子运 Why don't you give her some flowers?(同义句替换) Why don't you give her some flowers?同义句转换____ ____give her some flowers? why dont you get some flowers 改为同义句 ____ ____ ____ to get some flowers?