
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:50:21
坚持,和忍耐用英语怎么说要动词咯~ do you often watch TV()the everning?yes,but()monday morningi usually play chess with my father.A.in,on B.on,on C.in,in D.on,in 说明理由! 地球面临的威胁 地球现在面临哪些威胁?详细点 ! She often ____ (eat) last year前面是 often 后面是 last year 那用什么时啊 地球面临着什么样的威胁? 地球生态面临着怎样的威胁?就是说如果大家不行动起来保护地球环境,会怎样?写10条以上,答得好, 地球环境正面临着哪些威胁? 有没有详细介绍家电的内部结构的书,以及各种家电部件在电路中的作用的书籍最好是带清晰大图的书,一本书最好说明一种电器,越详细越好,附上实物图的 we can watch tv_______sunday morning用in on at to 其中的哪个 说出选择原因 Children had a good time in the park yesterday 为什么不用have 战国·楚·屈原《楚辞·九章·怀沙》:“怀瑾握瑜兮,穷不知所示. 战国·楚·屈原《楚辞·九章·怀沙》:“怀瑾握瑜兮,穷不知所示.” 《...战国·楚·屈原《楚辞·九章·怀沙》:“怀瑾握瑜兮,穷不知所示.” 《离骚》:“何故怀瑾握瑜,而自令见放为?”.翻译 战国时期的( )是一个伟大的( )诗人.他的代表作品有《楚辞》和《离骚》. Do you want to be a volunteer?作文请回答者套用本格式:As far as the question is concerned ,__________________(表明观点).on one hand,_________________________________.on the other hand,_______________________________________.Last but n g,i,h,t,n,s 组成单词 《楚辞》和《离骚》的区别具体 경기 고양시 일산구 일산동什么意思啊? 시티 보상 외에 일정 확률로 Ꮊ啥意思我看不懂韩国字 이정일 求翻译 I and TOM watch TV in the morning.这句话是否有错,错在什么地方? 单项选择 Jim and jack will( )to the school together .A.going B.goes C.go D.went ( )is your ruler? Ron and Jack usually go to school_.A.with B.and C.together it is said tat there a big get together in the school tonight .选项 A will going to be B is goingto have C will be D is going to he leaves for school at seven 사진이 야하네什么意思 어떻게해야 하죠什么意思 너무 많이 하면 중독이야!怎么是代码的 i spent some of the most exciting days of my life working on the eastern shores of Kenya's lake turkana searching for the fossilized remains of our early ancestors.我想问下spend管的不是searching吗,那前面那里的working为什么要用ing The apartment will a_____ be very near to Sam`school so he can w_____ to school. 英语翻译如题 Hello,everyone!May I have your a ____,please