
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 09:02:30
高中化学问题,锌锰酸性电池正极哪来的NH4+,锌锰碱性电池正极哪来的MnO2,如何正确判断正负极的离子反应式,步骤是什么 锌锰碱性电池的使用寿命怎么样? I have a big p______ of my family 填空(提示首字母为p) 填上去的词解释什么意思 But I have a big family now的中文 How to keep a good relationship with my dormmate?Such as they like computergame(cs)while I do not.我要不要刻意加入? how to keep good relationship with parent作文 为什么锌锰电池的电解质溶液中有铜离子会加速电极腐蚀? 怎样判断电解质溶液的种类?为什么负极是锌,电解质溶液就是ZnSO4?(在铜锌原电池中) 将锌块与铜块同时投到电解质溶液中,是不是不会形成原电池?那为什么在铁的表面镀锌后锌层破损接触电解质溶液时会形成原电池继续保护铁?不都是全部接入了电解质溶液吗? 怎样将锌锰电池中,电解质中的二氧化猛提炼出来? i know i'm falling love with you and now that i'm here for you怎么翻译啊? dont go away.i wanna be with you today.dont go away and show me your love很好听女声英文歌!高潮是:dont go away...(中间几句不知道)i wanna be with you today.dont go away and show me your love...速度有点快.很有劲!i wanna be with I'M IN HERE WITH ND LOVE U 是什么意思啊主要是那个ND是嘛意思 jeef,you an go skating with your friends.don't _ me here and thereA.ask B let C follow D travel the headmaster __ that all the books be returned to the school library at onceA .demanded B .hoped C .wished D.permitted为什么,其它的为什么不行? Perhaps we can ( ) that learning English is like talking Chinese medicine.A,say B,guess C,talk D,know 在电化学的方程式里面,为什么有时候电解质溶液不参与反应,比如铜锌电池,为什么有得又要? “有些人太讨厌了”的英文怎么翻译 现在有一些人根本不喜欢英语怎么翻译成英文初中英语 谢 我真的很讨厌我周围的一些人.翻译成英文 有谁能介绍一下中国,必须是英文的,大约口语讲5分钟左右 大学英语三人对话,关于在图书馆遇到一外国人,相互介绍的.五分钟左右. like being a good influence施加好的影响为什么不用GIVE这类的词,而用BE呢?啥词性,与意思? It wasn't like she was running off from being a good mother to somebody else 翻译一句话 i like being good at study I like you looking like you not to like me being like that firm 闷闷... 求what is it used for?的意思 he was new to the neighbourhood什么意思 new to the neighbourhood怎么解释 我姓林,名叫奕璇想起个英文名如何起英文名字,我的中文名字叫林奕璇,现在急需取个英文名 She was ( ) to hear the new.A:surprised B:surprise C:surprising D:tosuprise 女孩 叫 李奕萱 求英文名 要求 英文名和 “奕萱”发音相近 .起的好可以追加分 Merry was excited when she the lift to go to her new flatget into get tired ofget backget on withget offget used to