
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 16:54:38
again的一个用法问题And is again home for over a million people . -------again不是副词吗?什么用来形容 home 作形容词啊!那如果是用作插入语这个词两边不是应该加逗号吗:And is ,again, home for over a milli 求100条成语 要标有意思,用法(就是什么短语,用在什么地方,做句子的什么成分) I like coffee I like teaI like boys and boys like me……后面的全文? He is very clever,so he studies s__very well,like chemistry and physics.快!1急死人啦! 17:It seems that a person’s mood also has monthly _____.1.circles 2.cycles 3.orbits 4.circuits 英语翻译Social etiquette may require you to limit your plans now,especially if you have inflated your hopes unrealistically.The optimistic Moon-Jupiter conjunction expands your unrealistic dreams of home and family,but naysayer Saturn stands in t 谁知道Advances in Tribology 杂志怎么样 求有关物理学前沿的杂志有哪些刊登物理学前沿文章的刊物 像 这类的 中英文的都推荐下、 难忘那份深情 600字 用“难忘那张__脸”为题,写600字的作文!急! CQT到底什么意思 在数据测试中,出现的RAU、LAU是什么意思,起什么作用 "he never too you mustn't spit on the ground 翻译 The new m( ) is for my mother. 现在香港的sat所有考场不是都取消standby了吗.那哪里可以standby呢?澳门可以吗 有没有一首歌是“Victorian Victorian”这样的歌词 customs about Tipping帮个忙,以这篇文章为题,最好今天晚上就给我,要50字谁写得最好我个他追加20分. Customs are social habits Customs are social habits.They have been handed down through generations among social groups,social classes,etc.Customs can be described as ways of doing things.They are particularly(特别) strong in social practices on the 有首歌里面好像有句歌词是这样的.nothing is broken but my heart 差不多是这样. 吕布戏貂蝉还是貂蝉戏吕布? 绝世唐门中王冬是不是小七?文中第几章说了王冬是小七的身份?(大概) 招聘周期 Tom did not buy the bike()did not he?did he?does he?do he? ——— the boy her brother? 跑的动作周期 11月香港sat考区standby错过了报名时间现在打算standby求提供考场电话号码并说一下流程, road to ielts? 雅思新出的那个Road to IELTS是什么,有什么好处.请了解的人说说. Road to IELTS 现在是收费了吗?Road to IELTS 现在是收费了吗? 雅思报完名 出来的 road to ielts 有用么? road to ielts的样题是代表雅思真题吗