
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 22:54:30
马路边的树有什么用种在马路边两旁的树有什么作用? 这公路旁边种的这是什么树啊? 公路边常种的是什么树?这种树一般高3-4米,叶子形状像冬青叶,但比它薄,树上结有很多小种子,像绿豆一样大.种子好像可以用来泡茶,泡出的茶味道清新甘甜,这种茶对人有什么好处吗?这种树的 道路两旁的树是什么树啊 马路边的树叫什么?不是具体的树木名称,是宏观的名称 I would like to love Please give me the opportunity to would you like to give me something / anythingI'm thirsty .Would you like to give me _____to drink?是用something还是 anything?这里填什么语意上有什么区别吗 求解释.. how can he___ the new district?A get to B arriving in C arrive We 're going to have fun for ( )sports after school.(do) 所给的单词:do 应该用什么形式填上? glad ,prefer ,against ,active ,relax ,more ,mind ,before ,well ,alsoPlaying sports is a good way to have fun ,and it can make people stay ______ .Kids have a lot of choices about which sports to do and whether to compete (竞赛) in sports or just pl Have you brought everything with you 为什么不用anything? 领头雁 和平鸽 金凤凰 报春燕 吉祥鸟 百灵鸟 千里马 孺子牛 变色龙 比喻什么的? 与铁公鸡,纸老虎,替罪羊同类的词(20个) 领头雁,和平鸽,变色龙,千里马,孺子牛的意思? 巴塔哥尼亚高原的位置在那里? 巴塔哥尼亚高原的温带荒漠的成因是什么?能具体一点吗?我会加分的 为什么巴塔哥尼亚沙漠在安第斯山脉的东侧,就处于背风坡 英语翻译:你的汽车牌号是多少的 写出一些动物的比喻意:替罪羊 铁公鸡 千里马 地头蛇比如:变色龙——比喻见风使舵的人 I have you to be with everything will be busy!翻译中文 What time_____you get to school this morning?are,was,were,do,does,did(选一个填空) 根据首字母完成句子 When your father c____ back.Please c____me.I will t____ you when our maths teachI will t____ you when our maths teacher c____into the classroom. when ___ you father ___back?when he_____back,please give me a ringAdoes,come,will come Bwill,come,comes Cwill,come,will come Ddoes,come,comes 铁公鸡,纸老虎,的三字成语再写2个_____,_____. 类似于铁公鸡 词语比如:变色龙替罪羊等等 please let your father call me back when he comes back.这一句中的主句为什么没有用将来时,是因为主句是祁使句吗? 纸老虎这样的词语 六年级水平英语作文六一儿童节50词以上,带翻译的 _Liu xia ,when is your father ()back home?_This weekendA returning B putting C getting D paying 字母o开头的单词.最少十个.还要有中文意思.. How soon _____your father _____(come)back from ShanghaiCan you tell me how to get to the shopping center?(改同义句)Can you tell me ____ i ____get to the shopping center I think you are going to have a fun field trip.同义句I think you are going to— much— — on a field trip.