
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 01:18:24
there were small huts and houses in the village there______ ______be small huts and houses in the v dead by april sorry for everything歌曲译? Dead By April乐队的Carry Me 、求翻译~ 推荐像shape of my heart-sting有味道的英文歌求例如 sting- shape of my heart seal - kiss from a rose 这一类有味道的英文歌,男声 感激不尽 >. 求翻译这句话.You would be dead by now. 你狠厉害的啊!Dead By April乐队的Carry Me 、帮帮忙翻译下! outcome-orientation是什么意思 android 的orientation是什么, It was sounds great.有语法问题么(我想用过去式)高分上悬 翻译英语:To find out what young people think about the future of urban .To find out what young people think about the future of urban life,a teacher at a university in Texas in the United States asked his studens to think how they would run a c 这个标题怎么翻译:UN seeks bright future in young people? 喜欢的反义词明天就要用 纳尼亚传奇中那个女人对着几个刚来的还是说small 英语:这里的it is of a kind of that是什么意思呢?Granted, a snobbery of camping itself, based upon equipment and techniques, already exists; but it is of a kind that, if he meets it, he can readily understand and deal with.诚然,露营本 This accident happened 什么 a winter afternoon.A.This accident happened 什么 a winter afternoon.A.in B.at C.on D.with “Some try out for the schoolm teams,while others join school sports leagues”如何翻译 "Olympic sport"的英文翻译用英文翻译它 Orientation Posterity是什么意思 i want to ( )my lost watch, so i look for it everywhere 快啊 ,. On Monday afternoon we have _____.A sport B sports C.some sport D.a sport I can have a s____here after I do some sports 对great提问: Your idea sounds great.___ __ your idea _____? 推荐好看的,有内涵的电影.100分悬赏...想找好看的电影,可是现在的杂碎电影太多...怕浪费时间,看了一些垃圾电影...我个人比较喜欢:肖申克的救赎,迷雾,异次元杀阵,1408幻影凶间,蝴蝶效应,死 small brown 18.IT IS RECORDED THAT IN 1892 THE WEATHER BECAME SO COLD THAT THE RIVER __OVER.A:FREEZESB:WAS FREEZING C:HAS FROZEN D:FROZE Two of the biggest earthquakes that were ever recorded took place in China and Alaska. 请问为...Two of the biggest earthquakes that were ever recorded took place in China and Alaska. 请问为什么不直接用 two biggest earthquakes ? It is recorded that in 1982 the weather became so cold that the river froze over.这里为什么用froze?不用has frozen或was freezing? The foreign guests said that they were verey happy __the great changes which had taken placeA to B for C about D by 为什么选C br开头n结尾的单词5个字母 br开头k结尾的单词5个字母 Houses in this area are very_______(costing mush). 英语:Houses are very (e.) in this area.