
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 00:17:08
英语翻译吴王还自伐齐,乃讯申胥曰:“昔吾先王体德明圣,达于上帝,譬如农夫作耦,以刈杀四方之蓬蒿,以立名于荆,此则大夫之力也.今大夫老,而又不自安恬逸,而处以念恶,出则罪吾众,挠乱百 2012四级词汇和语法 the boy made a lot of noise so the headmaster ? the boy ? the library 单项选择A wanted, leave B wanted, go out ofC sent, for from D sent ,away from 同意句转换:They also make rules for reducing noise.They also make rules __1_ __2 __noise. 过年习俗的演变并总结一下哪些习俗发生变化过年习俗的演变的意思是什么习俗在古代就有,一直流传到现在但是发生变化还要探究其发生变化的原因 with+宾语+宾语补足语的用法,速求 新概念3 的mp3 美音sonicfiti@163.com 宾语补足语的用法 if you make a lot of noise ,you may d_____others. If you make a lot of noise,you may d______ others.(填词) 1.If you make a lot of noise ,you may d------- others.2.His grandmother was -------- ill,so he took her to the hospital at once.(bad) 用所给单词的正确形式填空.3.Thank you very much.It is a -------.(please) 4 你们不要这么吵闹了.Yo you mustn't make a lot of noise 同义句 The children usually make a lot of noise.(同义句)The children( )( )( ). 《二十四孝图》中,作者有力的控诉了________;《五猖会》含蓄的批判了________;《父亲的病》所描写的几位“名医”的实质是__________. we have gou some chicken in our fridge ,对song chicken 提问 We have some vegetables in the fridge.(改为同义句) find+宾语+宾补的详细用法 limx趋于无穷(xcosx)/(x^2+1)的极限, 1.(-1/2011)的5次方÷(-1/2011)的4次方=?2.若(a+1)的2次方+|b-2011|=0,2011-a的b次方=?3.(78又39/40)÷(+78) 谁有新概念第二册的mp3 最好是美音的 We have ___ 1.3 billion in our country.A.a population as much as B.as large a population as C.as many a population as D.a population as many asWhich one?Why? 有什么动词可以+宾语+宾语补足语 make的用法 非谓语动词做宾语补足语的用法怎么样? 孔子做过会计吗? 好词10个好句20个好段20个快. 英语翻译我想要逐句翻译的, Buddy you are a boy make a big noise这是歌词, Look!They are make a big snowmam 改错 dare 可以作情态动词也可作行为动词吗 在特殊疑问句中dare倾向于用情态动词还是行为动词 除了need和dare还有别的情态动词可以做行为动词吗? 了望的了字有什么组词?了字的繁体字的组词了有什么不是这个了,是了字的繁体字