
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 08:54:23
在我家用英语怎么说 也许他在家用英语怎么说 我的家庭用英语怎么说? 日用英语怎么说 值日用英语怎么说? 在工作日用英语怎么说 上周日用英语怎么说 轮到班长作值日用英语怎么说? 几道英语题,各位高手帮帮忙1.I go to a formal western dinner party for the first time. ( )my ( ) time to go to dinner party for.2.Linda couldn’t see David somewhere.(改为否定句) David ( )himself.3.Lucy likes Chinese, too. Luc 根据句意补全对话,每空一词.A.Excuse me,Lucy.___1___ you ___2___ tomorrow morning?B.Yes,I am.I have nothing to do.What ___3____ you,Meimei?A:I am going to the zoo.B:Shall I come ___4______ you?A:Sure.You are ____5____.B:____6___ shall we me 英语题,各位高手帮帮我.My name is Jim.Today is my b_______.Dad and mom b____ me a big cake.I'm twelve now.I like cakes.On the t__ of my bedroom you c_____ see my lovely cake.You can also f_____ my name on it.T____ are other things for my bir 1.( B )My English is very poor.I________maths___________ English.A.prefer;to B.like;than C.learn;than D.have;by2.( B )Linda’s been(去过) to Canada,___________she?A.has B.hasn’t C.is D.isn’t3.( D )—Do you know if he__________to play bask 1.Go to the road ____ and you will find the sign.(close at hand)2.This has made it important to _____ industry of our country.(grow up;become larger or more complete)3.The flood made many people ______.(without a home)会哪个先答哪个! 翻译:我们在他的生日聚会上又唱又跳,玩得很开心we had great()()()()at his birthday party.那件事使我感到非常难过taht()me()very bad公交车太挤了,我发现很多人都站着the bus was()and I ()many people()on it与 1、Dragon Team won 15 medals.(划线提问)____ ____ medals ____ Dragon Team ____?2、Mr Wang will give out the team awards.(否定句)Mr Wang ____ ____ out the team awards.3、I'm in 60m race at Sports Day.(划线提问)____ ____ ____ ____ in at Sp 同义句转换1.Why does he keep laughing?Why is he laughing ___ ___ ___.2.If you don'twater the flowers,they will die._____ the flowers,____ they will die.3.He decides that he will return to his hometown some day.He ____ ____ ____ to his hometown s 1.Tom()to ParisA.has beenB.have beenC.has everD.has never2.Beijing is()of China.A.in the eastB.on the eastC.at the eastD.east of3.Do you have your breakfest?I have()my breakfast().A.have,alreadyB.have,yetC.had,alreadyD.had,yet4.Tom()go to swim on wee 1.When i was a child,i used to believe that disaster ___ if a mirror was broken.a.was sure of striking.b.was sure to strike.2.___ some exams to worry about,i have to work really hard this weekend.a.with b.as for3.can you tell us ___ with your present 要的是速度更要质量!The young woman was most sorry for the horse. 英语翻译接待客人开车送他去南京给我们端上了一些水果我记得在出门前已关掉了灯(remember doing、before)正提着篮子的那条狗是我的(.which/that)这就是我昨天买的那本书(.which/that)打字员 第一题:Carl ben画横线下面 invented the car in 1888 in German.(对画线部分提问) 第二题:Stephen invented the train in1817画横线下面 in E ngland.(对画线部分提问)第三题:Wright is Brother invented the plane in 190 Tom likes the book,_ _ They‘re watchin TV,_ _ Lily can't speak Japanese,_ _ There’s a book on the desk,_ _ 英语翻译the internet is becoming important in our lif.how much do you know about it?what is the internet is a large,worldwide collection of computer networks.a network is a small group of computers put together.the internet is many different netw ( )waste of time!A.How B.How a C.What D,What a 英语she goer to school at five.(改为一般疑问句) he watcged tv last night (改为否定句) open the door.( 改为否定句) is that amy's chinese book?(做肯定回答) 几道英语题Your English is ______(相当) well.You can c_____ which you like best.Don't get c___ to the fire, or it will burn you clothes.Of all the students in our class, Peter talks _____(最少)but does most.(Town Chinema)is the best movi We want a music teacher to( teach guitar.)【对括号部分提问】______ ______you______ a______music taecher______ ______?[一个单词一条横线] 初一上册英语喜欢出什么类型的作文 英语周报作业,题目比较散,各类型的都有(初一上册英语PEP版)结论1.可数名词有( )和( )两种形式.不可数名词没有( )形式,作主语时,谓语动词用( ).翻译句子1.这些橙子是你的吗?2. 初一上册第九单元英语单词是什么啊,关于电影类的 1,He doesn't just chase and catch a ball.He can ______ ______ a ball and ______ ______ things.2,He hunts when I hide.He ______ ______ ______ me when I hide. 1.I feel cool today.(对cool提问)( )( )you ( )today?2.There are four large bowls of noodles on the table.(对four提问)( )( )large bowls of noodles( )( )on the table?3.How long does it take him to do him homework?It( )him three hours ( )his ho