
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 01:41:29
用过去式完成句子 Don't be surprised,It was __________ of her to say that.normal usual typical typified I Wouldn T Be Surprised 歌词 not as/so … as 和比较级之间有什么关系 not as…as的用法(比较级)如:The moon is smaller than earth.用not as…as:the moon is not as big as the earth.这种比较级的用法怎么用 百威英文百威的英文怎么读? 盏在字典中多少页 挺在字典里多少页还有 渴 待 崩 ‘我’在字典的多少页?第几行? 处在字典多少页 He ____ ____right.(用seem填空) He seems is right.这句话对吗?还有seem这个词怎么用?既然不对,那He ____ ____right.怎么写?(要用到seem填空) The job offer does not have to be related to the field of study?这个意思是,job offer不用和所学的领域有关?还是别的? applied magnetic “桀纣之亡也遇汤武今天下尽桀也而君纣也桀纣并世焉能相亡然亦殆矣”的断句 “桀纣之亡也遇汤武今天下尽桀也而君纣也桀纣并世焉能相亡然亦殆矣”的译文 用放大镜看待别人的优点,用显微镜看待别人的缺点.这句话对吗? :“桀、纣失其道而汤、武作,周失其道而《春秋》作,秦失其政而陈涉发迹,诸侯作难,尤其是,周失其道而《春秋》作 近古之世,桀、纣暴乱而汤武征伐翻译 “桀、纣之亡也,遇汤、武”运用了( )修辞方式. hospital发音时p有变成b吗我怎么就听到发P 翻译 search assistant Express怎么发音? 用括号的词将句子翻译成英文 这就是他过去居住的地方.(where) 这就是他拒绝你的原因吗?(why) They are the people who i saw yesterday.里的Who这个位置是用who还是 whom?为什么? people will eat pills as speak中的ea发什么音 well before works she plans everything well she always 连词成句helped Uncle Li out of she and bave is a fire eat是不及物动词吗,举例说明哦! Well,we can always go back to using the sun and the stars同义句well,we can always _______ ________ using the sun and the stars! 谁能推荐几本武侠和哲学思想方面的书籍