
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 17:23:42
用英语介绍一个产品.一共有两个需要介绍一定要是人工翻译的!翻译软件的不行!1:这个灯的形状像是一本书,不仅让人看起来很美观,而且还多了很多新的用途,比如书架上.2:你讨厌喝汤时,勺 用英语介绍一本书的对话 英语问题He was born in China为什么不用is用was 为什么I was born in China这句话中有be动词 怎样用英语介绍自己的父亲?有范文参考一下吗? 用英语介绍自己的爸爸妈妈 我爸爸是一名厨师,怎样用英语介绍他的职业? 用英语介绍自己的父亲及表达祝愿,我的父亲是一位普通的农民工我爸在家乡的一个小家具厂工作,为了家每天起早贪黑,省吃俭用,但我有时候却很花钱,我感觉对不起他,希望他工作顺利,身体健 ( )beautiful music 用what还是what a 英语翻译Throwing darts at a map to decide in which states to sample would bias in favor of geographically large states.Interviewing people cheching out of the hospital would bias in favor of patients with short stays,since due to costs ,Having ea ( ) beautiful music!填what还是what a that music s___ beautifulthat music s_____ beautiful(“S”后面填什么?) 求歌曲That's What Make You Beautiful MP3 i was born in 1994同义句I_____ ______years old this year 如果一个正整数能表示为两个连续偶数的平方差.那么称这个正整数的神秘数如:4=2²-0²12=4²-2²20=6²-4²因此4 12 20 这三个数都是神秘数(1)设两个连续偶数为2k+2和2k could you tell me the way to the park?同语句could you tell me________is _______ _______ _______the park? could you tell me_______I can________ the park? could you tell me how to_____ _____the park? Mike is going to buy a computer.问句是什么? 翻译成英文:无论是剧情还是演员,都是一流的. 用英文描述一件家具 如何用英语介绍一款家具,如椅子,或者沙发?椅子主要材料为实木或者玻璃钢,沙发有布沙发,真皮沙发 用英语介绍周末你的家人在什么给个暑假英语作文 (注意:条件:给你的笔友写一封信,介绍全家星期日正在做什么,一周期间都做什么 50字左右就够了 不要复制的!@-@ im going to buy some comic books变否定句 用英语介绍周末打算,例如起床打算几点 We are going to buy some comic books.改为用yes或no回答句子,并作否定句【改为用yes或no回答句子】并求答案啊?We are going to buy a watermelon tonight.划线提问,划 buy a watermelon During the eight years war,many people( )their blood for their country.During the eight years war,many people( )their blood for their country.A.shedB.temptedC.reservedD.devoted in the past two years,the poor worker ___ about the thousand yuan ___his illnessA.have spent; on B.has spent; in C.has paid ; for老师说是选D,但我记得人是主语的是用spent ,额,是C,打错了,不好意思 Although born in china __he is famous for stories about new york cityAyet Bbut C and Dbowever 为什么bcd为连词不可与although 求 I"m going to buy some new books 同义句 I'm to buy books some going today.怎么连句 I'm going to the bookstore __(buy) some books ____is known to all ,China is a developing country _____America is developed countryA.As ;whileB.It;whileC That ;when D.It ;but Peter is twenty years old,but he has only five birthdays.Why?Because he was born____A.at nightB.five years agoC.on the fast night of a yezrD.on February29