
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 09:25:07
超文本技术提供了另一种对多媒体对象的管理形式,是一种()的组织形式 My mother has worked in this factory 2 years.My mother has worked in this factory _____ 2 years.(A)about (B)for (C)in (D)since there are only ()toys in the shopa.a littleb.a fewc.fewd.little 飞机从A飞到B,再返回A,去时每时飞1500米,返回时每时飞1200米,来回共用6小时,A,B相距多少千米? 小屁孩问我英国怎么样防止火锅店的液体酒精“火烧连营”, 一架飞机所带的燃料最多可用6小时,飞机去时顺风,时速为1500千米;回来时逆风,时速为1200千米.这架飞机最多飞出多少千米后就要往回飞? 小屁孩问我为什么绵羊的胡子比山羊短, 什么叫厌氧堆肥? (When)I fasten my seat belt.The plane took off.把他们一句话,加上When. I ( )a lot of 该填什么? 木材 木炭是 同种物质吗? 木炭是木头吗?木头是木炭吗? digital video recording system中文意思是? 监控上出现“Digital Video Recorder ”啥意思. 七年级上册历史河姆渡居民与半坡原始居民所作出的两项世界性的贡献吗? 半坡历史? 【扩句】木炭是木材的儿子.不要说【可爱的木炭是木材的乖乖儿子】. 英文 根据首字母提示填空 In a-----,it was a really exciting trip and we all had a very good timethere. did you_____ jane's birthday part last weekend?of course .we really had a good timeA.attend B.take part in C.jion D.jion in we had a good time意思不是 我们有好的时间吗?怎么变我们玩得很开心 飞机的折扣舱B和经济舱Y有什么差别么比如说只能被限制在一些不是很好的座位啦之类的 candy 复数 candy的复数是什么 candy 一词的单复数用法? have done for/since和have been doing for/since区别i have lived in us for 2 months i have been living in us for 2 months i have lived in us since 2 months agoi have been living in us since 2 months ago小弟实在没财富 对不起啊, CCD摄像头的CCD是什么意思? 谁知道candy bar的复数形式 thanks for visiting me.如何翻译成中文 Thanks for 的翻译 亚洲的地形的主要特点 【英文翻译】Thanks for lending me an ear He has lived here since 1992.这里为什么用has lived而不用has been living?