
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 08:58:15
英语翻译Blair to EU:Modernize or FailTony Blair's message to the European Union is that it must change the way it does business if it is to survive.He told the European Parliament that the people of Europe are ahead of the continent's politicians 英语翻译My future As the song goes “ My future isn’t a dream .” I love the song which brings me confidence when singing it every time .I believe that all our dreams can come true if we have courage to pursue them .When I was young my father rex chinchilla是什么意思? 筒灯与天花灯的区分? 天花灯和筒灯的有什么区别?它们是不是都属于吸顶灯? COB筒灯与COB天花灯的区别? Do you have ____ apples?I will give you _____ if you don't have_____?A.some some some B.some some any C.any any any D.any some any 准备CATTI三级笔译要多久呢?如果我CET4,CET6和专四、BEC中级都过了,在这个基础上需要多久?另外,上海中级口译听说口试很难啊,怎么个难法?有没有什么参照,比如起码要听完几篇VOA,BBC 用几个成语分别来形容春,夏,秋, Were it not for his help,I would have failed the exam.这句话怎特别样理解,特别是前半句,怎样分析它啊 英语翻译搞得我头都大了.为什么不是If he had been leaving,you would have heard about it. 英语的书面表达.假设你身体状况不太好,从来不锻炼,经常感到紧张,容易疲倦,特别爱吃零食,有时会胃疼,现在又得了感冒.请给张医生写一封信寻求建议.要求:1.语句通顺,意思连贯.2.不少于60 什么是led壁灯?led壁灯特点有哪些?LED壁灯技术参数是什么? 什么品牌的壁灯好?现在还流行用壁灯吗? 一种壁灯现在每台售价85元,比原来减少15元.这种壁灯现在每台售价比原来降低了百分之几? 壁灯的作用快!多一点,详细 would like 是will like 的过去式 I would like some noodles为什么will都要用过去式would初一英语下册第八单元句型 I'd like some noodles这里的would是做情态动词吗?那做will的过去式如何区分. Would除了是will的过去式,还有哪些意思?Could除了是can的过去式,还有哪些意思? will的过去式和情态动词would一样吗 i just want you to be happy中文意思是什麼? 杭州新东方六级基础班和精品班的区别在哪里啊寒假想去新东方学下英语,但是 不知道六级基础班和强化班的区别在哪里,主要是针对哪些人群的?PS:本人英语还行吧,应该报哪个班比较好啊 杭州新东方六级基础班和精品班有什么区别寒假想去新东方学下英语,但是 不知道六级基础班和强化班的区别在哪里,主要是针对哪些人群的?PS:本人英语还行吧,应该报哪个班比较好啊 杭州考研班除了新东方还有谁好?新东方只开了英语和政治, 光弱时瞳孔( ),光强时瞳孔( )填什么 室外太阳直射的阳光和室内穿透玻璃的阳光有什么区别? The first love feeling is bitter and astringent!Likes your feeling is very sad!翻译成汉语 my teacher is very kind,she 's____with us(p打头) she's is very kind of us.Let's say happy teacher'day who's thereAnd clore your book then we can go to the playground翻译 共4句 下面一句 上面三句 第一句后面有标点 day结尾的一句 明天交的 求各位大侠了 Kate has some money in her pocket改为否定句怎么改 Chen hai is an English teacher的问句 A.What is Chen Hai?B.What did Chen Hai do C.What is Chen Hai doing