
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 21:44:29
一个草字头一个宝字盖下面一个石 念什么? 英语翻译because don't help her!I am regret in the mind! 新买的杯子怎么清洗 宝字盖下面加个山念什么 宝字盖底下加个是读什么音, 请问怎么写亲人的文章?可以列一些好的成语,也可以列一个范文! “如何富裕”英语怎么说?“如何富裕”是陈述句比如一本书名叫《如何富裕》,但总不至于是How to rich 请给标准的美式说法,当然如果您连英式说法也知道,不妨说一下, 越来越富有用用英语怎么说是不是richer and richer 有关暑假难忘的一天的英语短文 串字加个宝字盖怎么读 以祖国的变化写家人的故事的作文写家人的故事的作文,例如:爷爷或奶奶.但是内容里要有关于祖国的变化.(500字以上)我会给很高的分, 用简单的英语解释下列句子:1.Why are you so interested in trees?2.Wood,rubber and paper all come from trees.3.Three trees can do the job of 15 air conditioners.4.Trees pass each other food and water.5.Are trees in danger 6.Trees are useful Welcome to the US in spring,summer,autumn or winter.Welcome to the US in ____ ____.can i help you?_______ ______ _____i can do for you?who will host the party who will ____ ____ ______ _____ the party the play ended five minutes ago.the play ____ ___ The rest of them think differently from you.其余的人与你的想法不同.请问这里的rest是什么意思?think是什么形式? 初中英语(用英语解释句子)1.Lucy went out of the house and there was a basket in her hand.2.Most of the questions were not about his lessons 3.They finished high school last year.4.l saw that they were playing football in the open air. 富人们 英语怎么说? 5道单项选择( )1.___________ do you play?Basketball.A.What B.Who C.How D.Where( )2.________ do you play sports?In the school.A.What B.Who C.How D.Where( )3._________ ping-pong balls does he have?A.How many B.How much C.How D.Where( )4._________ p 哪些大河孕育了四大文明古国?这些大河流域成为人类文明发祥地的共同特点 四大文明古国为什么都出现在大河流域? 四大文明古国指哪些国家?分别起源于哪些大河流域? 《我的亲人,我的朋友》作文这种作文怎么写? 有趣的翻译 我喜欢听古典音乐,英语怎么说?我喜欢听古典音乐,因为可以让我放松. 冥王星是太阳系中离太阳最近的行星冥王星距离地球大约5*10^8Km如果有一艘飞船以每小时5*10^4Km的速度从地出发飞向冥王星那么宇宙飞船要用多少年才能飞抵冥王星 不锈钢心好水壶煮水后为什么会生锈求回答!求回答! 冥王星为什么会成为被踢出太阳系的行星 不锈钢心好水壶裂了怎么办求回答!怎么回事啊? “上海的风景的明信片”的英语怎么说! 英语高手来.改变句子,保持原意.1.Gled to meet you.()to()you.2.Is everyone here?()()()here?3.This is my ruler.This ruler is ().4.Give me that clock()().5.I am Nancy.()()is Nancy. 改写句子,保持它的原意Their neighbours give them a treat of sweetsTheir neighbours give them___________________________.Children play a game in the evening on June 1st.Children play a game ____________________on June 1stMy birthday is on 5th 保持原意改写句子How much did you pay for your new house?how much did you ___ ___ your new house?为什么不能是cost on呢? 英语改写句子,保持原意1.She was worried about her heahth.2.I found the door was losed.3.She got ready for her lesson.