
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 20:06:26
小学要求背诵的诗词有哪些? 哪里有小学阶段要求背诵的的诗词 The policeman stopped the driver and found that he( )alcoholA drinks B has drunk C really D naturally怎么做, he found that the car with the bear in it wasn't there.麻烦帮翻译一下, The police found out that the gatekeeper_____(kill) and the diamond _____(steal)怎么填啊谢谢了 帮助孩子们游泳:help kids with swimming.为什么用swimming而不是swim?如题 2010年12月英语四级花卷怎么判卷啊?每个人答案都不一样,机器判卷怎么识别? Fucking guy 怎么读 描写荷花的好段?白天看满塘的荷花,写出那时的感受以及荷花的外观,气味, 有首歌叫做 someone like you,但是someone做主语不是为第三人称单数么,为什么不是likes另外,如果把like换成miss,应该是miss还是misses someone是第三人称单数吗? 英语翻译RT 英语翻译翻译全句,还有hit the ground 啥意思 2011年10月英语四级网考成绩什么时候可以查询 描写荷花!特别!描写荷花,一定要用上“亭亭玉立”和“含苞待放”这两个词,要用上100字左右!越快越好! who is lee_hom wang? is this guy renowned? 来自英国的外教指着英国女皇问我们 who's this guy.他怎么会这么问?不是很不礼貌么 Who knew this guy..额....give me hand。找找这人叫啥名字。please! OH~i know who is this guy~calm down~baby~. 请帮我在‘过去式’添加一些符号,弄成好听的网名,大家也可以给我些好听的网名, if i love you i should let you move Pan, I love you, life is not to let you go I怎么说 教育部门是educational department 还是education department?因为我看健康部门,是Health Department? 求翻译WITNESS MY SIGNATURE AND SEAL OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH THIS 07 DAY OF NOV.2011 i think it is difficult for chinese studes to lear english g_____横线填什么 高中理科生不懂英语可以考上大学么?我是高一新生.是一个英盲.英语对我来说不是现象中那么容易克服.英语入门不好.所以导致成了英盲. 英语作文我的宠物狗 英语作文~be aware of mental health10句左右~100字左右 mental retardtion这个词应如何在英语句子中使用写作要求是写“一位小男孩天生智障”,作文给出的提示词是mental retardtion,我想知道在上面那个句子中怎么用这个词. The arrival of silently waiting for death Waiting for the arrival of that A quiet waiting for the arrival of a smooth wedding