
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 11:19:48
根据首字母提示完成短文 开头是let me tell you something about my friends.l the students are taking_______to recite the text.(turn)用适当形式填空 How much do you expect to be paid?怎么回答 What should I wear to attend his wedding party? ——What should I wear to attend his wedding party?——Dress ____ you like C、whatever D、however应该选D,“本题however you like相当于in whatever way you like,根据语境,不难判断出B为正确答案.”但是我还是不清楚为 这是怎么回事?点yes还是点no? 急 ST TT分别是什么缩写 翻译学中 是什么translation 和什么translation 烦死了..小学的作文T T 就是那个什么采访作文啊..TT我不知道怎么写采访的稿子啊..(作文)抓头啊- - Oh ,but I get up at 6:30.My home is near the school.I have lunch at home____. -Where _____ you _____(have) lunch?-At home.There was no school lunch. do you usually have lunch?()at home or at the radio station是填空不是选择 china is a third largest city in area in the world.为何序数词前面不用the而用a? 一般疑问句是否必须用yes或no开头Has Captain Ben Fawcett bought a small aeroplane ,or has he bought an ordinary taxi?回答是他买了一架小飞机.那是不是得用yes开头呢? Is there anything else you'd like to ____to our readersA speak B say C tell D talk答案选择什么? 理由是什么?我觉得选say 不知对不对 Is there anything else you'd like to our readers 意思 Is there anything else you would like the seminar to have covered?翻译, is there anything else ________you want to sayA whichB thatC it D who为什么选B tomorrow is your mother's birthday.you must think about ____(buy) her a present .Tomorrow is my sisterr’s birthday.But I can’t __C___ what to buy for her.A.think hard B.thi我选择的是否正确 what should I get my mom ___her birthday用on 和用 get有什么区别 不都是我应该在我妈妈生日给他买什么的意思吗似乎没有get for这个固定搭配吧,只有get sb sth ,get sth to sb啊 some people may get in a car for a d.in the country. 同义句转换 1. He has traveled around the country. He has traveled ____ ____ the country. the people before the country,the country above the ruler 求英语最基础的语法知识! 一些语法的知识(英文)They are going to the cinema on Saturday evening.(句意相同)They are going _______ _______ ______ ________on Saturday evening. 2.He is a good friend of ( ).A.our B.our's C.ours 人类的下列疾病中,一般不能遗传给后代的是 A.艾滋病 B.血友病 C.白化病 D.苯病酮尿症 下列关于HIV,幽门螺杆菌,人体肿瘤细胞的叙述,正确的是A.都含有DNAB.都具有增殖能力C.都属于原核生物D.都含有核糖体 用明察秋毫,怡然自得和庞然大物合在一起造句.有急用一定要好! 用庞然大物·明察秋毫·怡然自得造句 有关成才的名言警句11111111 有关"成才"的名言要最好的```