
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 19:07:12
在she is a beautiful girl.中表语是什么、宾语是什么? Please type your email address as shown She is the nice girl如果用the nice girl做主语,后半句是is she还是is her?用宾格儿做表语吧. Invalid email she is a conscientious girl 请问这句话中 表语在哪里?系动词又是什么?这里的谓语又是什么?书上说 表语:和系动词一道构成谓语 发挥你的想象力,填写后半句,看看谁的表达最有创意例:“自”对“目”说:你单位裁员了?问:“叉”对“又”说:“ ” 布置班级有什么点子吗?越有创意越好,发挥你疯狂的想象力吧,^O^ 老师让写一个片段,要求是发挥想象力,写动植物.就是仿写草虫的村落.但是也不能太相似,有创意.急,求求你们帮帮忙. 各位有想象力的来,帮忙想个有创意的情节!起因是妈妈偷看孩子的信的时候,被孩子发现了,请按照这个起因构思一下情节发展,同时带动作描写,场景,情节最好能特殊点,不要太俗!写的好的追加1 呃,这个……… 工经什么意思 正确定义工 although we do not see each other very often,i s___think of her as one of my best friend.she always tells me her h______opinios about things. I think him my best friend的句子成分1、我个人认为I think him my best friend中.I是主语,think是谓语,him my best friend做宾语,而my best friend做宾语补足语.总觉得him 和 my best friend中间却点儿什么,读起来不顺 She is beautiful中的beautiful是作表语还是定语? best friend of my dreams often being a teacher 这句话不是话,是n个单词,请组成一句话,谢 the room has an area of 16 square metres(同义句)the room is 16 square metres —— —— Are you really being invited?中的being的用法是什么?这个句子的语法结构是什么? Are you really being lnvited? 翻译这篇课文Are you really being lnvited?If someone asks if you are free at a certain time and invites you to an event,you are not required to commit yourself until you know what the invitation is for.For example,i you are being a really good sport about this.为什么要加being? You leave the most noble being that you really are. are you really 是什么意思 It's 6.00 p.m the Greens are having( d ) cry什么意思, 谁能告诉我? Soon she got used to______ (用英语和当地人讲话) cry什么意思 Are you killing me? Jesus,you are killing you’re shitting me. Thank you for killing A:()?b:they are at the restaurant.A:( )B:they are having dininer.A:do they like the food?B: 中翻译英 从前在这条马路的拐角处有家邮局.(used to)