
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 10:09:08
老爸拿竹竿时被蛰了下,竹竿上有个小洞,锯开后抓到类似蜜蜂的虫子全黑的,小拇指第一节大小,不知是么 快,线上等以“————也美丽”为题写作文,可以为“对手也美丽”吗?会不会离题? watch TV too much与watch too much TV有什么区别? 连一连,明天交了,青 霞红 烟碧 草白 玉绿 浪 对鲁迅的评价.快, 作文 我的自述(自己的)快我在线上 有淑男这个词吗? don’t watch TV too much( ) school nights . 【英语脑筋急转弯 ,超高分,快】谜面:I was born before my father I married to my mother I died as a bachelor . Who am I? 翻译:我出生于我父亲之前 我和我妈妈结婚 我死时是单身汉 my parents order me don't watch TV too much.(改句子中的错误) 上海 在长江三角洲区吗 淑鑫再加一个字组词 高一英语怎么学?我初中英语很差不知道刚开学要怎么办 用say,speak,tell,talk 的适当形式填空 1.Who would like to ( ) about the English name 2.Grand用say,speak,tell,talk 的适当形式填空1.Who would like to ( ) about the English name2.Grandma often ( ) us something about her past life.3.Does y 求有深度一点的英语对话电视节目想找些英文脱口秀节目,但是比较有深度的,形式接高端访问或新闻一加一之类的.而不要娱乐类的 can you help me ?yes,___your teacher's advice ,in my opinion ,and everything will be ok1 follow 2 following 3 to follow 4 followed 请解释每一个答案的用法,说明解题思路 MY World,I Rule! My World,I Control!是什么意思?这句话有错误吗?我的意思就是病句 deadlines are meant to be broken 请问这句话要怎么翻译比较好呢? from all of us to all of you at thanks giving ( )6.There is a birthday present ____you ____Nancy.A.for,from B.from,to C.to,from也要原因(为什么要选这个),还要翻译这个句子的意思. 《名侦探柯南》的教育意义名侦探柯南》对我们有什么教育意义?麻烦多写一些,写具体一点.比如说反映了当今社会上的一些腐败,社会的弊端等等.最好举些例子,比如说:剧场版《贝克街的亡 Can you look after my watch什么意思 判断是否得了抑郁症的测试题 The ( ____ ) of the book is to provide a computer guide to the university. He is ________ good at his work.请在空格里填入enough或fairly. his work is fairly good.句中fairly是副词还是修饰词?为什么? 英语翻译but what we forget -what our economy depends on us forgetting-is that happiness is more than pleasure without pain.1.翻译2.简要分析结构3.more than在此处的用法 她们是姐妹,但是她们没有相似之处.这句话英语怎么翻译? 南极点四面都朝北,在太阳到达南回归线的时候,四面都能看到太阳吗南极点四面都能看到太阳吗? though she sang ,the talent show was still a failure.A、very successful B、enough well C、quite wellthough she sang ,the talent show was still a failure.A、very successful B、enough well C、quite well D、rather good我要详解 翻译 so you made it to the island after all students make those broken toilets can be used again 翻译