
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 15:18:42
请问陈列的近义词是什么 17.We are aware that,,the situation will get worse.a.if not dealing with carefully b.if dealt not carefully with c.if not carefully dealt with d.if not carefully dealing with 25.everyone else wouldn’t go to the mountain area,he went without a secon 【高中英语】We were aware that,_C__,the situation will get worse.We were aware that,_C__,the situation will get worse.A.if not dealing with carefullyB.if dealt not carefully with C.if not carefully dealt with D.if not carefully dealing with求 We think that,____________ the situation will get worse.not carefully dealt withWHY?什么从句 we were aware that,_____ ,the situation will get worse.为什么填if not carefully dealt with,不填we were aware that,_____ ,the situation will get worse.为什么填if not carefully dealt with,不填if not carefully dealing with 怎样判断二次函数值是最大值还是最小值 求方法 求答案 带范围的二次函数求最值(今晚解答)设函数y=4x²-4ax+a²-2a+2,求1.当0≤x≤2时,y的最小值2.当0≤x≤2时,y的最大值3.若当0≤x≤2时,y的最小值为3,求a的值(第二题可以只给个答案) 绝胜烟柳满皇都 诗句的上一句很急的 用晨雾写一句联想的话 绝胜烟柳满皇都这句诗谁写的 绝胜烟柳满皇都的上一句 用晨雾写句联想的话 绝胜烟柳满皇都的前一句 什么古诗的结尾是 绝胜烟柳满皇都 陈列的近义词是什么 陈列的近义词是什么 互余的定义 望着月下的洞庭湖我会想起什么样子的成语. 小池写出了什么美丽的景色 “哎呦,我肚子疼.”这句话表达了怎样的思想感情? “凸壳” 怎么读 壳寡糖的“壳”怎么读?读qiao 还是ke? 外壳读什么? 求一些VOA慢速英语的推荐最好是初三水平的.然后是重庆初三的水平,希望能找到一些词汇比较熟悉的录音,也能练练口语我的QQ是7 2 9 2 2 2 6 51, 英语翻译Mr.Powell held talks with Qatar's foreign minister at which he raised U.S.concerns about news coverage by the Qatar-based Arabic TV network al-JazeeraPresident Bush's endorsement of Mr.Sharon's plan for "disengagement," from the Palestini 壳牌机油 [壳]读音? qiao 还是 ke 哪一个读音正确?老大!我要的是“壳牌润滑油”里的“壳”字的正确读音?不要解释 要读音?要在“壳牌润滑油”里的正确读音? 甲壳虫的壳怎么念 诗经中的一些诗篇,有的句子重复,有的只换一两个字,这种表达形式有什麽好处? pseudo-faradic reactions是什么意思 pseudo-Hermitian是什么意思 pseudo-triangulations怎么解释?是怎么定义的?是计算几何上的一类点集剖分,那个pseudo怎么解释恰当一些?有汉语定义么?那伪三角剖分又是如何定义的呢? pseudo-dress是什么意思