
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 09:02:36
she with me ___(go) to school every day 英语介词填空:French______Today is a useful book for me.1.French______Today is a useful book for me.2.Our World_____English is also a useful book. 雅思口语问题 How long do you usually spend time reading?1,Is there anything which needs to be improve in your flat?2.How long do you usually spend time reading?每道回答5-10句左右~英语达人来相助啦~这星期就要考了 How do you usually spend your holidays? (囊)这个字的读音? 欢迎来到,我们的旅行社 英语怎么说 森林旅社用英语怎么说? “旅游公司”用英语怎么说 英语翻译是不是无论多么困难,我也要试试?如果不是,希望好心人告诉"无论多么困难,我也要试试"怎么翻译! "旅行社经营环境分析",用英语怎么说?如题,这是论文的标题,不知道该怎么写好,望英语高手指点一下! 英语翻译No matter how strong you are to safeguard,iknow you were a hard to surpass,but i will build confidence.transcending you.i will not give up and failure is the mother of success 有一首歌,男的唱的,歌词有marry you也有for no matter how hard i try感觉挺轻快的那种``知道的说下哈` Don't let it bother you.Some people just don't know better. Many famous people in history had four beds.翻译 Three playing cards are placed in row .The club is to the right of the heart and the diamond .The 5 is to the left of the hear .The 8 is to the right of the 4.From left to right ,the cards areA 4 of hearts ,5 of diamonds ,8 of clubsB 5 of diamonds ,4 how many hours do you spend in studying english per day? The small animals which can save people in the water are d_____ which animal is the biggest in the sea? animal the is which in biggest ocean the 连词成句 Which animal has the biggest boobs?.zebra 改错1.How long does he write to his parents?Once a week these are a few of the things young people do on dates in the world.用英语怎样翻译? each与every的区别 ---Do you know_____person with glasses?----Sure.She is Miss Li,______English teacher.Aa/a Bthe/a Cthe/an Da/the have time 的同义词组 do you know the teacher with Drink some water ,piease .(改为否定句) ___ with difficulties,we should believe our courage is what makes a difference.为什么填 Faced 而不是 Being faced? “people rarely stand up for what they believe”什么意思最好伴有事例 巴西什么最出名 巴西文化哪些比较著名 用does,milk,your,often,drink,grandpa,how连词成句