
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 02:04:07
一般现在时加s或者es时,改怎么读?用什么音标?不是iz吧 Once I get onto the bed,it can be pretty impossible t get uo for worthless action意思? 主持招聘会的主持词怎么写 never ment to being 翻译 考外国语大学要口试~可是我从来没有口试过~哪位同学能告诉一下我要怎么才能通过呀~其实就是想问问高考的口试呀~我是江西考生~ 2010年上海英语口试答题哪位好心人知道?版本越多越好, I___(see) you in the picture. 用所给单词填空用所给单词适当形式填空 In such a hurry _____ that he didn’t say a single word.A.did he leave B.he left C.left he D.he did leave has never been able to make up for it let her can not always forget it to be able to never fade 请问这个become要加“s”吗?For example,the so-called “Super Girls” become fashionable almost overnight,with fans chasing after them in a kind of blind worship.但是书上没有“s”,在百度里面搜索“become fashionable almost o 句子里的become加不加sWhen she becomes a young woman,she wanted to be a nurse. 新概念3第五课文本原文+翻译... 新概念3课文原文第十三课打错了 是第三课 禁止停车 No parking parking为什么加ing? no parking 为什么park要加ing crowded的比较级和最高级是怎样的? Yang Guang sent email to his American penYang Guang sent email to his American pen pal in daytime.A.a;/ B.an;a C.an;the D.the;a 选哪一个 he sent his greeting to us in the letter.greeting为什么要加ing cooking by myself,aha,please call me cook Jiang.lalalala…是什么意思、谢谢! 聋子的英文是什么?有复数形式吗? 我现在念高一,英语学的一塌糊涂. 聋子考英语4级?我语言残疾3级,读大一,我早就放弃了听力题,对英语也没兴趣,而且我的听力还在衰退 有什么建议吗?我知道一个4级赶不了什么的,我也不想出国,我现在听新闻都不行了,非要看字 在美国读高一,英语不好 聊聊,一些建议.现在16岁,在美国读高一,英语不好,上课和难听懂 ,基本听不懂多少,来美国快8个月了,上高一也4个月了, 在学校交流也不算多,我也很内向,有点口吃,想讲 英语一直不好 想请各位大侠提点建议 帮我定个计划一天要学多少东西具体学什么 背单词 语法 还做题 〓英语〓一道关于非谓语动词的选择题〓小诺求助〓Once lost,_________________________.A.it is hard to get such a chance again B.to get such a chance will be difficult C.one can never get such a chance again D.such a chance might ne He is in clinic.同义句He is in clinic.=He is_______. 处罚公告怎么写仓库人员在出货时把货的标签贴错,要怎么写处罚公告?多加点词,比如什么 处罚不是目的,教育才是关键,之类的话. 聋子的英文 聋子的英文翻译 and a quarter of the population ( )workersA.are B is 造句!30分!碧绿鲜嫩造句(最好是对话的)无可奈何造句(一样的)