
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 06:25:29
到底是It is my ID card 还是That is my ID card 年纪很大可以换成什么词语 年纪很大可以换成小学学过的哪个词语 他和我仿佛年纪中的仿佛换一个意思相同的词语 英语翻译The news came as no surprise to me .I had known for some time that the factory was going to shut down.重点分析一下这句 The news came as no surprise to me 的句子成分。 The discovery of gold in Colifornia set off a brush to get there 英语翻译wise buying is a positive way in which you can make your money go for the way you go about purchasing. He decided to move to Australia,_______ to make a big fortune there.A.hoped B.to have hoped C.having hoped D.hoping 英文翻译:What in the blue hell would I tell my parents? 英语翻译“Everything was confused there at that moment and all of us forget it.” 谁能帮我解释1小段英文【不要翻译器翻译出来的】Was there anything else I can direct towards your Affiliate Manager tosupport you with initially? [公司加盟方面的] 急!翻译一下一小段英文成中文.不要翻译器Ken wants to send Christmas cards to friends.He needs stamps of values $0.1,$0.2,$1.4 and $2, and he buys 40 pieces of each from the post office. It is known that Ken sends 10 Christmas cards to The spent 3 hours planting the tress.的同义句 歇后语:井底下雕花( )两个山字叠起来( )一对人儿跟随去( ) 歇后语 井底下看书 乐扣怎么样 15、世界上大河中下游的地形主要是 ( )A.高原 B.盆地 C.丘陵 D.平原 乐扣乐扣 亚洲的大河中下游一般是 世界上大河中下游的地形主要是什么?无 pants和trousers的区别 问到初一数学题(要有解析)1.已知一平方米的土地上,一年内能从太阳得到的能量相当于燃烧 1.3×10的八次方 千克的煤产出的能量,那么我国9.6×10的六次方的土地上,五年内从太阳得到的能量 英语翻译造句:记者会经常采访别人和一些事件.摄影师每天要拍很多照片.空姐在飞机上为客人们服务.足球教练培养许多足球选手.摄影模特要长得漂亮,经常拍杂志封面,人气很高. 大家对乐扣有什么好的建议和意见吗? 、“任何真正的哲学都是自己时代精神的精华”,这里指的“真正哲学”( ).A、可能是唯物主义哲学 B、可能是唯心主义哲学 C、专指各种唯物主义哲学 D、取决于是否以思想的形式表现了时代 如图1,在圆O中,弦AB垂直AC,且AB=AC=10cm,OD垂直AB于D,OE垂直AC于E,则圆O的半径为多少cm? 英语翻译This Agreement,including the Schedules hereto,constitutes the entire agreement between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof and,except as stated herein or in the instruments and documents to be executed and delivered pursuant 什么是网络失范是网络传播学的问题哦 圆O中 弦AB⊥弦CD垂足为E,OE=1,半径为2,求:AB^2+CD^2看不清的可以点一下图看原图 Kate spent one day in reading the book.改为同意句,____ ____ Kate one day ____ ____ the book. 草和木的共同点是什么? I spent two days to reading the story book.同意句是什么?