
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 01:07:58
That will be bad for the earth这个句子有问题么 sheep 为什么不可数? cow sheep 可不可数? The may be farther(.)the sun than the EarthThe may be farther(.)the sun than the Earth is. Canada is farther north than 英语语法 副词问题 8极英语高手请进5. 副词修饰基数词时,一般置于被修饰的数词之前.I see you standing there almost one hour.我看见你站在那儿整整一小时了.They are going to stay here fully six months.他们 SHEEP可数吗RT cleaned,who,blackboard,yesterday,the 排列 有谁知道类似于“副词修饰动词”之类的英语语法?尽量全一点。 刘琦 是怎么死的是自然死亡吗可疑我很了解刘备的品行,刘备先投靠公孙赞,然后投靠陶谦,得了徐州,被吕布抢了徐州,投靠曹操,曹操帮他灭了吕布.刘备投靠了曹操,期间又背叛曹操,抢了曹操几 世界上有几个叫刘琦的! 三国里刘琦是怎么死的?我看过三国演义说,刘琦经常不干正经事,最后耗死的,我甚至怀疑是刘备为了利益,毒死刘琦,然后对手下人说是得病而死.我希望我的想法是错的,但是在当时的情况,孙权 周杰伦jaychou的代表是什么意思 视频 世界上叫刘琦的有多少人大神们帮帮忙 love the earth love yourself是什么意思 Let other people feel happy happy crow 翻译中文 he speaks so ____(quick)that l can't follow him 这里是用形容词还是副词 为什么? she speak so ( )that i can't nuderstand her .A quick B quiet Cquickly Dfustly ----what day_____it_____ tomorrow?----Wednesday.A.is...going to be B.will...be C.shall...be D.does...be请问这道题选什么?请高手回答1 英语:It's Wednesday tomorrow.的同义句 it _____(be) a hoilday tomorrow. it ____(BE) Sunday tomorrowIt took (tow hours) by bus对括号部分提问 jay chou的英文是什么意思 He cleaned the classroom yesterday_( ) A.So do he B.So did he C.So he did Sandy cleaned the classroom yesterday —————— 对画线部分提问 照样子,写出下列四字词语意思相近的两字词语:一手遮天 随机应变 袖手旁观 手不释卷 妙手回春 奋不顾身 一手遮天——? 奋不顾身——? 两袖清风——? 随机应变——? 手不释卷——? 妙手回春——?用两个字解释 1 Where is Gansu?It is in the () of Cinema 2 Where is Beijing?It is in the () of Cinema3 Where is Hainan?It is in the () of Cinema 4 Where is Japen?It is in the () of cinema 照样子写词语:一手遮天--专横 袖手旁观,手舞足蹈,情同手足,缩手缩脚,手不释卷,妙手回春. Lonely in my life 能不能把这句话翻译过来呀 Clam life is not lonely是什么意思? 改错 The scientists who are probably mostly interested in flights to the moon are geologists.