
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 06:22:12
带本字的成语 求燕归来熙txt如题.375470436@qq.com 数列题,怎么做?第二问? 英语.在英语中什么时候用on什么时候用in?在日期中,年月日各是用on或in?,具体年月日又是用什么?星期呢?星期几呢?…… 希望回答完整 微信是怎样操作的 有两个句子:You should help each other in your English learning中用了in.Yesterday she gave me some advice on studying Chinese中用了on,那到底什么时候用in/on? 来篇关于环保的书信,600字以上,望好心人踊跃回答 38节给妈妈的信怎么写 What day was it yesterday?能直接回答Monday,不加It 那能用缩写It's Monday 寒假作文(写回忆某人的文章)1.有倒叙来按排文章2.字数不少与600 This is ( ) song I have told you about. Isn't it ( ) beautiful one?A.the;a B.the;the C.a;a D.a;the 26.This is___story I've told you about.Isn' it ___beautiful one?A the the B a a C the a D a the.顺便说明理由.. 织田信长的“长”字读音,是“长大”的长,还是“长短”的长啊? 织田信长英语发音是什么 织田信长 长字读音读chang 还是zhang 蝉(虞世南)这是一首咏物诗,从几个方面写出了蝉的特点?诗用了什么手法,是表达含蓄,寓意深刻? 《蝉》这是一首咏物诗,从( )、( )、( )等三个方面写出了蝉的特点? 高中数列第二问有点难度请讲下Snmain怎么得来 It was (friday yesterday.对括号部分提问 ( ) ( )was it yesterday? It was (Wednesday) yesterday 对括号里的部分提问 ______ _____ _____ it yesterday 对April 22nd提问 谁能帮我写篇500字的日记 题目 是《2008年最令我难忘的一件事》最好是以第三人称写 He is one of my friends.(改为同义句) He is a friend_____ ______there are some differences between mary and kate.mary____ ___  __kate He is one of my friends.的同义句 chance和change的关系 有没有谁知道chance在英文中读是什么意!还有change是什么意思?如题 Change&Chance!歌词 change和chance的区别 The last chance for change 啥意思 ? Now I’m in Singapore.Here is a 11 sale.On Orchard Road(路) there are 12 big stores.You can see ( )11.A.long B.short C.big ( )12.A.many B.much C.lot( )13.A.BUY B.SELL C.SALES( )14.A.vegetable B.fruit C.clothes( )15.A.very B.only it was _friday_ yesterday .(对话线部分提问)_______ was it yesterday? it is (friday)soccer yesterday afernoon(对括号里提问)