
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 22:11:42
请问,100个饺子盛6碗,碗碗都带6,怎么盛. 100只饺子分6个碗,碗碗逢6,怎么分法? make in china和made in china的区别 100个饺子放在6个碗里每个碗里都带角100个饺子分成六份每份都带饺 made in china与made in PRC 有何区别?我观察有些商品写着前者,有些写着后者,为什么? 一百个饺子,用六个碗称,但是没个碗里必须都要代六,请问改怎么称… what you said was _______(true) right. 人物.年龄 幼儿园英语怎么讲这节课?baby boy girl young middle-aged old 这几个单词给小朋友怎么生动形象的讲出来呢. 幼儿园学英语好吗 古代最高的军事机构 作文 十年后我又见到了老师 以《十年后的我》为题,想象十年后的你会怎么样.我想写十年后的我是医生/老师,大家提供这两种就可以了.全文可以,其实我不是太需要全文,我不会写这个作文,觉得没什么头绪,大家给点提示 Do what you say,say what you can Could you tell me what did he say at the meeting?与Could you tell me what he said at the meeting?Could you tell me what did he say at the meeting?与Could you tell me what hesaid at the meeting?区别 when our part of the earth turns ___ the sun,选择A toB againstC inD on 那这个呢;When our part of the earth turns away from the sun,it is dayxiexie When our part of the earth turns(转) ___ the sun,it is night.A.round B.to C.with D.from When our part of the earth turns ____ from the sun,it's light.A.out B.away C.on D.of 左1右3的结构拼成的四字词语, 用麦组成四字词语明天要交作业了 满组成的四字词语 用'on in urder‘这三个单词造句 The earth moves around the sun.My teacher has told me.My teacher has told me( ) the earth ( )around the sun.两句并一句 what you do about me的歌词m2m的歌 what will they do if it doesn't rain?这句话对吗?为什么?翻译. 用on and on造句. 请介绍你房间里的物品,用in,on,under,造句,用英语 用in、on、under、between造句 谁知道It is bluegreen in color and takes 84 Earth years to travel in orbit around the Sun .的中文意 i like travel (travel)能加ing吗 the earth moves around the sun in 365 1/4 days的意思5 It takes one year from the earth to go around the