
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 16:36:56
函数f(x)=-x^2-6x+9在区间《a,b》,(a 已知P为椭圆X2/25+4Y2/75=1上一点,F1、F2是椭圆的焦点,角F1PF2=60度,求F1PF2的面积 F1,F2是椭圆4y^2+5x^2=20的两个焦点,P为椭圆上一点,且角F1PF2=30°,则三角形F1PF2的面积为?(要是解余弦定理,最好有别的方法) F1,F2是椭圆4y^2+5x^2=20的两个焦点,P为椭圆上一点,且角F1PF2=60°,则三角形F1PF2的面积为? 求一篇阅读答案The coldest and most difficult place in the world in which to live is Antarctica(南极洲).Antarctica is the land of snow and ice near the South Pole(南极).Most people do not think there is much life in the icy(结冰的) wate 文章和题目请点击以下链接(无毒无害不骗人)答好有加分! 卡尔·施密特 简介? 求一篇阅读, 2.7x*5-2x=23 history,our,teacher,me,tired,very,makes(连词成句) 单句改错:(Our)A teacher (say)B (history)C is (interesting)D._________根据句意及首字母提示填单词并完成句子.The s______ month of a year is February. history our teacher me tired very mhistory our teacher me tired very makes (.)连词成句 怎么证明这两个三角形相似?三角形dmn和三角形neq?abcd和里面的6个都是正方形 请问一下20个日历天是指多少天 **l**** to our Sports Center Welcome to () sport centre 连词成句our,welcome,to,schoo丨 7X-2X=125 2.7X-3=7.8 2X+6乘3=36 雷方程 请证明相似三角形的定理:如果一个三角形的两个角与另一个三角形的两个角对应相等,那么这两个三角形相似 {2x-y=5① 7x-3y=20②要过程 证明:如果一个三角形有两个角相等,那么他们所对的边也相等 2x^2-7x+3=(2x-1)(2x-3)是用十字相乘法吗 怎么乘? 完形填空.Hi boys and girls!Do you need good clothes?Welcome to our store!Our store is very big.Hi boys and girls!Do you need good clothes?Welcome to our store!Our store is very big.We have lots of clothes in it and many of them are _____ .Every d Our school is ______boys and girls______5-12A.in;forB.for;inC.of;forD.for;of 请问2012年2月有29天,是()个星期天零()天? 鸡兔同笼,共有35头,94条腿,列方程求鸡兔各多少? happy teacher's day or happy teachers'dayRT,我觉得应该是后者,但是有很多人都觉得第一个是对了,到底哪个是对的啊,我都混了,help me teachers ' day 和teacher's day ,哪个才争取? Let's say"Happy Teachers'Day!"to our____________.空里应该填什么 When's Teachers Day?________________ What did you do___ We____a card___our teacher. We _(give ) some flowers for our teachers last teacher's day What _you_(do ) tomorrow I _( drink ) a bottle of orange yesterday He _(go ) to the zoo last Sunday Look,tom _(draw ) a picture java中的Calendar类:Calendar calendar=Calendar.getInstance();int hour=calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY)+8;Calendar类获取当前小时,要加8才能正常显示,为什么?若调用getTime,如何正常显示时间?