
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 09:07:06
My dad asked me to help him 改错 mike asked me to help him his lesson this eveningA atB withC for D on选啥写一下原因 1.Identify the errors in the following sentences:"The harder we study,the less mistakes we will make." The teacher used to say to the pupils.A.The harder B.less mistakes C.used D.the pupils2.______ English words you try to learn by heart at a time,__ 英语翻译As might have been expected,the research found littlein the way of formalised and systematic procedures which are prescribed in thetextbooks.For example,none of the firms carried out any form of job analysis,and less than a quarter overtl 英语翻译,“XXX,从6月6日到8月6日在世纪华天大酒店(北京市海淀区西四环蓝靛厂西路11号)前厅部实习.华天酒店人事部特此证明.”我这个就是一个证明,需要部门经理的签字.我不太了解格式. 描写交警外貌的句子 红红的太阳像()圆圆的月亮像() 红红的苹果象什么 他唯一最对不起的是她 英语怎么讲 用什么词可以形容邮递员的精神 求一篇作文: “把握生命里的每一分钟,全力以赴我们心中的梦,不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹?没有人能随随.“把握生命里的每一分钟,全力以赴我们心中的梦,不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹,没有人能随随 What does the sentence mean?What’s _______ _______ _______ the sentence? What does the sentence mean in Chinese?How I wonder what you are? What does the sentence mean呢?Everyone says 'the bubble has to burst' sometime , but everyone hopes it will happen the day after they sell their house .'the bubble has to burst' 在这里什么意思? 对不起 我不会再打扰你 翻译成英文是什么 What does the sentence mean?____ _____ _____ _____ the sentence?改成同义句 高手来教教我 What does this sentence mean:"...asking for clarification on make-believe"?"I fill silly,asking for clarification on make-believe." What does"make-believe"here mean?May be "asking sth.to make myself believe sth." ...>er...It's "felt"not"fill"..."I fe 1998年10月26号英语是什么? 岩石圈是连续的圈层吗 在英语表达法中,1949年10月1日 怎么说 水圈是一个连续存在与地球表面的圈层和处于不断运动中哪个对 火红的太阳像什么 如何拍摄出来的太阳是火红火红的每次看到红通通的太阳,拍出来都惨白了,如何拍能拍出火红的太阳 请帮我把以下英文翻译成中文(速度)We pay for any kind of love is impossible to measure, with the love of life will be colorful, but also the ups and downs. Love is not to say that and should not, sometimes involuntarily pay nothing. 有学英语的同学吗. 10月2日的英语怎么说注意:全部都是英语的,不能有数字 在10月2日的英文是什么 30个含有i 的英语词语. 英语翻译像下面这样的音译歌词,例如 i love you 音译就是 矮辣屋油 求几个含有修辞的英文句子!比喻,隐喻,拟人等等! 求忧伤的英文歌求抒情英文歌 +分 席慕容的诗《一棵树》