
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 04:20:49
规定的近义词 第四个字母是e,最后一个字母是t 的单词第四个字母是e,最后一个字母是t 的共八个字母的单词 how to improve my english level? 我喜欢你,喜欢了整个曾经 求翻译英文 improve my English level 是不是只说improve English 就可以了,用不到level? in order to improve her English,_____a.Jenny'father bought her a lot of tapesb.Jenny bought a lot of tapes for herself为什么是b? more and more people have a low C life and the air is getting much()than a few years agoA,clean B,cleanest C,cleaner D,the cleanest ______students in the school go to the park.A.A good many B.A good many of C.A great deal of D.Man希望回答中能有关于各个选项的解释,D项为many 我们班大多数学生乘车校上学.in our class () () the students go to school ()school bus You had ( ) exercise every day to keep healthy. it's best to keep healthy t____ exercise.请问空内应填什么? ____healthy,we must exercise every day A keep B to keep c kepping 基因的cds区是什么? 用my favourite food写出一篇50词的作文 my family favourite food and drink(在线等啊急)要初一的文章(英语) My favourite food 50字左右, Many students go to school on the school bus.【对on the school bus提问】 How many students ride to school in your class?Let me see,there are ---A.28 B.21 C.7 D.14 as many as usual 、not as many as usual、as few as usual 、more than usual是什么意思?急急急!~ 这声音在空旷的山野间回荡,如春蝉的咀嚼声,似清风拂过杨柳,又似草原上的野马在奔驰、、、、、、仿写 老山界:①像春蚕在咀嚼桑叶②像野马在平原上奔驰③像山泉在呜咽④像波涛在澎湃 1和3调个位置为什么不好? 去哪儿网机票退票 去哪儿网机票怎么退票 去哪儿网机票可以退票吗 去哪儿网机票怎么申请退票K 用my favourite food 写出一篇80词的短文 现在在用手机软件去哪儿网买机票,买上了后可以退票吗? favourite food 写篇作文 70个字就行 The China Review 是什么水平的期刊 用 My Favourite Food 写不少于80词的短文 什么是OFR(Operating and Financial Review)?是financial accountin framework里面的一个作业|||……请哪位赐教啊!>_ The financial crisis用英文定义一下 金融危机